Wednesday 12 December 2012

21 Jump Street.

After getting all reminiscent in the last review, I decided to snap us back to 2012. Hope you enjoy!
For those smug pricks out there, I chose this film pretty specifically because of the year the TV show this is based on came out. For those who got this reference without the need for Google, pat yourself on the back, you're gonna be a virgin for the rest of your life. Also, guess what, the critics actually liked this one too, when does that ever happen when a bit of 80s nostalgia gets remade? I guess they saved themselves by claiming it wasn't really a reboot at all, I mean the same things from the TV show are happening again but it's in continuity because it's twenty years later...or something. Plus, who, other than hardcore Johnny Depp fans, remember 21 Jump Street anyway?

21 Jump Street is a story made up of 50% clichés and 50% references only people who watched the original TV show could understand. I mean sure, the TV show at the time was something special because it hadn't quite become the norm yet on TV for every show ever to be a police procedural show with a twist but what the hell is so special about this film? All the critics go on about 21 Jump Street's 'complexity', what complexity? I've already seen this film, like a thousand times, am I missing something? This is no more a social and cultural document of high school than any other movie/TV set in a high school, it does nothing to break or push and boundaries.

I guess the thing is, 21 Jump Street is built around one big fantasy and that fantasy is to go back to high school and do it again. Not just do it again, but 'do it right' this time. But that fantasy doesn't do anything for me, sure I was the fat kid at my secondary school, I had long hair, I painted my nails and liked rock music, so you better believe I spent most of my school years getting the shit beaten out of me and being generally bullied but I stuck by who I was and eventually I cared so little I actually fought back and earned a lot of respect both from staff and students. I wouldn't want another chance to go back to secondary school, change everything about myself just so I could fit in better. The reason I came out of the other side of secondary school smiling, despite being bullied almost constantly, is I never once second guessed or wavered who I was. And it paid off. I think the moral of this whole film is bullshit.

You know, I really fell in love with Channing Tatum through his Dirty Dancing Cinemash Spoof (another reference for you there). I was never convinced by this hulking mass as either an action hero or some kind of heartthrob. In that spoof though, I found him completely in his element and so of course, as 21 Jump Street is another 80s spoof, he was once again for me, completely in his element. However, I never really felt anyone else was clicking. There are some fun characters, some great lines but I wasn't laughing, I knew it was meant to be funny but nothing was happening. Although to be fair, Ice Cube was pretty awesome.

However, thankfully, the cinematography and set-pieces carry all of the weight the actors can't. This film is shot great any way but there are also quite a lot of visual gags which are much more amusing than any of the characters. And some hilarious little set-pieces that are much more amusing than seeing the actors trying to comically deliver their lines. The fake drug they invent for the story for example and the way the two leads get their archetypes swapped really gives the chance for the actors to have a lot of fun and so in turn, we do as well. There is even some surprisingly amusing slapstick. Shame some weak CGI stands in for things that could have been done much better practically.

Also, Tatum and Hill have a surprising amount of chemistry. I really did get a sense of Schmidt basically getting revenge for being a nerd in high school, I really did get a sense of Jenko's jealousy for Schmidt because times have changed so he is no longer the popular kid. And I genuinely felt the strain, highs and lows of their relationship which really made the film quite enjoyable.

However, one of my biggest issues with this film overall is, despite how this review may or may not make it sound, know this, 21 Jump Street is paper thin in every regard. There is no reason why, even mainstream comedies, can't have both a fleshed out story, multi-faceted characters and relationships and still be hilarious. Hell, most of Hollywood's classic comedies are, hence becoming classics. 21 Jump Street trims away basically everything at the expense of making room for more laughs and I guess that would be fine if my sides were splitting and tears were rolling down my face but aside from a few moments so ridiculous you can't help but laugh out loud, I didn't really find this any funnier than any other Hollywood film claiming to be a comedy and they didn't cut everything out to make room for more penis references.

So do I recommend it? 21 Jump Street is a lot of fun but this is not my film of 2012 and isn't nearly as funny as everyone has been telling me all year. Honestly if you haven't seen this film yet, there is no rush but you could do worse with a hundred minutes.

Think About It!



Rosie said...

I saw this when it first came out at the cinema, it was alright but I did feel something was lacking. Perhaps it was because I didn't get the references to the TV show.

As you say, there are worse ways to spend 100 minutes.

Think About It! said...

Yeah I can't quite put my finger on it...but something just never seemed to connect right. But I mean you could have been watching The Vow instead -shudder-

Rosie said...

Or what was that film we did a joint review of? With the hikers who were kidnapped by crazy people who wanted a kid? *Shudders*

Think About It! said...

Haha that, disturbingly so, sounds like a few films that I've watched -shudders-

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