It is here bitches, excited or sad? Will season two go out with a bang? Let us find out!
Ultimately my reaction to the finale was one with a sigh. The finale is full of epic moments, but the ones that actually go somewhere, are normally either shrugged off or laughed at. Stiles being captured by the Argent's...goes nowhere. Lydia's apparent importance to the season, was a lie, she brought Peter back, sure but I don't see what he really added here, I mean they never even really specified what took the Kanima down? Reminding him he loves Lydia or turning him into a werewolf? Was it even them who turned him into a werewolf? Either way, neither of these things needed Peter. And everything else he did in this episode was just him slinking around being a smug arsehole.
Much can be said for the whole Jackson plotthread as well, we get an exciting development mid-way through that he's going to turn into what basically sounds like a dragon, it becomes a huge race against time and then he is beaten or something? We never even get to see his new transformation, the plot just kind of...ends.
And this can ALSO be said for Scott and Allison, their relationship in tatters after Gerard's manipulation, they are going to break up, these guys have such amazing chemistry it's going to be so heartbreaking! 'I'll wait for you Allison', what the fuck is this bullshit? Since when has Scott been Edward Cullen? Bullshit!
Look, it wasn't all bad. I think Stiles ends up getting the best deal from the episode, although the plot of him being captured and beaten up is awkwardly dropped very early on, the proceeding scenes with him and Lydia and him and his father are easily the best, and most powerful scenes in the whole finale. And with these obsessions with Stiles and his relative uselessness, I'm really hoping there is transformation in his future, whether that be supernatural or not. He could be like Wesley from Angel. Plus Dylan O'Brien puts on an absolutely excellent performance, his face when after everything Lydia still goes back to Jackson was... heartbreaking.
The action in this episode is...clunky at best, I know it's a TV show and so on, but they tried to make the battles big and we've seen that this show can make it work on that budget, but here the budget felt stretched and the editing and cinematography tries to work around there but it just feels awkward. I really liked the obvious stunt doubles too. Although admittedly when Scott, Derek and Isaac faced off against the Kanima, that was pretty awesome in a Power Rangers sort of way, especially when Allison comes in, blades twirling. Even if, both Gerard and the Kanima are defeated in clever, but ultimately anti-climactic ways.
- Some decent character moments, especially for Stiles, his Dad and Lydia.
- Peter Hale is pretty funny, if a little pointless.
- The odd Power Ranger's come Twilight moments in the middle of the episode.
- There are epic moments, if you can ignore insincere presentation.
- So why was Lydia so important again?
- Why was the Kanima so threatening again?
- MOUNTAIIIIN AAAAASSSSH! Gerard was a truly terrible villain and the prospect of him coming back next season makes me sad.
- The Scott and Allison break up scene could have been so much better.
- Chris Argent - what a badly written character.
- Lots of anti climaxes and plot threads that go nowhere.
- The general sense that the episode spends its time shrugging off its bigger moments.
Think About It!
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