Okay look, yes, the last After Dark movie I reviewed did kinda suck. But I did say before their films are pretty hit and miss. Plus, I think bad movies make for better reviews because it gives me way more to talk about. Either way, Penny Dreadful is actually good, SPOILERS!

Hey look, it's Meg from Supernatural and that dude from Hills Have Eyes! Before Meg possessed her, her name was Penny and she was an emokid, a girl scared of cars because of a crash she was in when she was a kid that killed her parents. She is currently in therapy, trying to overcome her fear, and is on a road trip to do so, heading back to where it all began - which ends up turning out almost brutally literal. While arguing over Penny's self medicating, they run over Todd in The Shadows and agree to give him a ride because of what they did. Okay, I didn't realise until I looked up the actress on IMDb that the hitchhiker was a chick... anyway! This makes Penny extremely nervous, but in her defence the hitchhiker is creepy as fuck. As it turns out the shrink is an utter asshole and quickly things begin to fall apart, as the hitchhiker slashes their tires and strands them. The shrink ends up dead and Penny trapped in the car with the corpse. Thus Penny begins to slowly go mad, freeze and starve, eventually leading to the contemplation of suicide, I mean there is only one thing we are really all afraid of, right? Meanwhile outside the hitch hiker goes on a killing spree around her, stealing hope from her at every turn. So you better believe, when they have their final scramble, it's fucking satisfying as hell. Although still left strangely open, but this film loves fucking with you.

Penny Dreadful uses a pretty unique scare tactic for modern horror and that is in the form of trying to make you scare yourself. It's all in the atmosphere, in the unknown, remember what I was talking about in the last review? Yeah, that. It wants you to relate and share the experiences of the main characters, remember how it felt and use your own memories to scare you. There isn't shit jumping out at you or whatever else, it doesn't need this. The only downside of this is it causes the film to really feel like it's dragging, there isn't much in the way of plot or even action, it's just a big mood piece. Penny Dreadful is closer to a serious drama or a thriller than it is a horror film. It's just so fucking tense. And it's really fucking scary, so I guess it pays off.
Are we sure this is an After Dark film? It's actually really well staged, it shows off some good direction and some good cinematography. The flashback to the car crash is actually heartbreaking, Jesus. Plus the film is just in general really stylish and well edited, a cool movie however despite all this, overall the film really isn't very filmic - I mean sure, it does things with the medium you couldn't do in say a play or novel, but behind all the flash is a really quite static film. There is also something really...odd with it too, although it is shot and directed well, there is just something about it that looks so old. I'd have never thought this came out in 2006, late nineties at the latest. I mean sure there are mobile phones and so what, but there is just this grainy fuzziness to it that a lot of early 90's movies had and it isn't just in the quality of the film, it's the way everything looks in general.
Pacingwise, the film feels really off. I don't know, it never feels like it has a sense of direction, like it never really knows where it is going. Penny is sat waiting for something to happen and so are we. It always just feels like one random set piece moment stuck to another, as they desperately try and pad the film with...something. You could argue that is the intention but it just feels like the film is being made up as they film it. Just lots of scenes of Penny getting really frightened. I mean the shrinks death would seemingly propel the narrative but it just seems to slow it down further. Like I don't know, maybe I'd appreciate this more if I'd picked up a weird hitchhiker, but I just struggled with this...whenever I looked past that great, terrifying atmosphere I kept realising there was nothing else, which in turn makes it a pretty terrible film.
So do I recommend it? I'd honestly say that Penny Dreadful is the first horror film in a very long while which is exclusively for horror fans. Thanks to the fantastical, escapist world of magic and monsters that is the modern horror genre, I find myself recommending it more to friends of mainstream cinema than I ever am to my friends who like being scared. And as stated this is the complete reversal of that, Penny Dreadful is fucking terrifying and utterly heartbreaking, anyone who likes being scared will love this...everyone else though... Penny Dreadful is what I assume to be about a ten page script stretched over an hour and a half and so as such, nothing ever really happens, so you'll probably just be bored and frustrated with the thing. And one look on the IMDb message boards prove that, people hated this film. This is like a film from another time. They hated how frustrating it was, the open ending...the lack of things happening, this modern generation can't appreciate anything unless it's loud, full of explosions and constantly screaming in your face. Don't be one of those cunts, watch this movie.
Think About It!
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