Since I can't be arsed to keep bullshitting out my screenplay assignment and I was less than impressed with the Defiance pilot, let's check out this pilot instead.

I understood more of the episode by reading plot summaries than I actually did watching it. Apparently the pilot is the story of a man who can't help but understand serial killers, who lives day to day in fear of becoming what he studies and in turn hunts. That sounds like an extremely interesting concept, huh? It's just a shame this is barely even suggested in the episode itself aside from a few detached sequences...

And as the episode rushed into the climax, tying up only a few of the many loose ends in the episode, I was jut left asking, 'was that it?'. Honestly there is nothing particularly original in any of it, it just sort of felt like Sherlock Holmes (back in his drug taking days) had made a guest appearance in a particularly horror themed episode of Criminal Minds as directed by David Lynch.

Even Hannibal himself who got two wonderful performances in the past from Brian Cox and Anthony Hopkins is here played by Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen who really doesn't cut the mustard. He lacks the same charisma and charm those actors had as he slurs his way through his lines and spends the episode with a fixed expression of constipation. His accent so heavy and his English so broken in places I had to rewatch sequences, there are still some scenes, especially when he was trying to be dramatic and intense where I have no fucking idea what he said. You think as a shrink he would know how to enunciate himself better, I'm not sure his patients will even be able to hear his advice.
Don't misunderstand me the sequences where he gets in the mind of the killers and rebuilds the entire crime in his head are fantastic but they are given no real context or exposition and are so painfully drawn out they undermine absolutely everything I think they are trying to convey. I didn't feel like I was watching Graham unravel before my eyes because I had no idea who Graham was when he was whole.
I know I have praised things such as Spring Breakers for telling the story thematically, allowing the heavier issues to not get away in the more entertainment led sequences but here there is nothing beneath the themes. It's lots of pretentious, artsy-fartsy sequences that are all completely hollow with nothing beneath. You can't use an out of context sequence to answer whole arcs in your show, you're just suggesting resolutions, not providing them.
And yes visually the pilot was splendid, incredible cinematography, wonderful use of colour, a dense, terrifying atmosphere, every sequence was fantastically staged and the sets were absolutely wonderful. However none of this distracts from the fact that I have no fucking idea what the hell is going on.

- Well the plot summaries at least made it sound interesting.
- I liked the deconstructions of the crime scenes.
- It was an all round great looking episode, with some really solid direction.
- I had no idea what the fuck was going on through the entire episode.
- Unoriginal, at least because the films and books basically spawned this genre, and this is the last one to get a TV show. Irony!
- I have no fucking clue who anyone is.
- Mikkelsen is awful, especially.
- Terrible pacing.
- Pretentious.
Think About It!
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