This film continues the chain of shit sent to me by LOVEFiLM. Okay, that's unfair, I mean this movie wasn't a bad one or anything but more, painfully average, especially when it took them like four days to send me it.Being the fact it was average also makes it harder for me to get worked up and rant on it, so I'll use that as an excuse for the probable poor quality. Enjoy..?
Untraceable is a morally confusing movie about cyber (who knew that word wasn't in the dictionary?) crime mixed with a sort of saw/hostel like torture porn movie with the FBI thrown in, a case getting too close to home and all that and in the end all you have here is maybe four generic movie formulas thrown together. It's weird that what came out wasn't really good or bad, just average.I mean you'd have thought at least something would stand out, wouldn't you?
I suppose the idea behind the killer was kinda cool. He'd set up a murder but wouldn't set it off, as people viewed his site with each new member looking it moved the murder scene further a little until the person died. Actually that makes no sense when written, so time for a spoiler. As a guy is left dangling in a pool of water with each new view on the site the pool became a fraction more acidic until the guy was laying in a pool of sulphuric acid. Gemme now?
As always with these sorts of movies the way the killer kills people is also pretty good, like the picture shown a little further up where a guy is burnt alive by heat lamps. More lamps coming on then becoming hotter with every hit on the site. It's just a shame a kitten dies at the start, dunno why but the only thing that truly disgusts me in media is harmed animals, I know it's pretty fucked up.
Other good things are how morally fucked the movie is. A majority of the movie gives us detailed explanations about how to commit cyber crime (although the characters smugly delivering basic IT terminology while their superiors look confused is just fucking irritating. I guess American's are just more stupid than us English), it also shoves illegal downloads and all their pluses in our faces and the first case you see the central FBI Cyber Crime Unit close involves a young boy using his online criminal activities to buy his Dad a Birthday present. Maybe they were always planning on giving it a pro cyber crime message..? But that seems unlikely.
Oh also, the inner sexist cynic in me was impressed the lead in this movie was female and not only was she female but she wasn't also reduced to a pair of tits to get males to watch the movie although she was still very pretty (and was in a couple of shower scenes). Has Hollywood finally started growing up a little? Nah don't be silly!
But should you watch it? Naw, it was just so average I spent most of the movie texting or playing with my iTouch without even realising I was doing it. I mean it isn't a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination but it's nowhere near a good one either.
Think about it!
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