Thursday 21 June 2012

Teen Wolf: S02E04 - Abomination.

And with this episode, I am finally caught up on Teen Wolf!

Another strong opening, we learn that werelizards and wolves aren't the only things out there and that the Argent's have them all on record. It also thankfully follows on right from the end of the last episode, so no wasted time. I wish they'd just reveal who the bloody vet is already!

What the episode does reveal to us though is information about werelizard, that it can paralyse its opponents through the use of a toxin that comes through its claws and that it is a precise, assassin like killer. And they've never seen or dealt with anything like this before. It is claimed that in the wild the only predators with paralytic toxins, use them to immobilise their prey to eat them. So as it hasn't eaten its victims, it's bad news. As it turns out it's called a it's called a Kanima and it can be defeated simply with its own reflection, because a Kanima is a shape shifter gone wrong and it doesn't know who, or what it is. Now the question left is, is it Lydia or is it Jackson? 

Which then leads into an absolutely awesome horror sequence with Stiles and the Werelizard, this scene made me sad. I'm glad Stiles didn't die, although his Dad must be getting awfully suspicious with Stiles turning up at all these crime scenes. It would also appear Stiles seems to know the werelizard and it knows him. Although since when has he had asthma?

The effects on the werelizard are fucking awesome, considering it looks so real, I'm going to guess they bothered to actually make it, rather relying on shitty CGI and it pays off. Every scene this thing is in, it steals. What a great monster. Well every scene until it runs away from Scott and the cgi is so bad, it looks like a still image has just been jump cup up to the ceiling,

There is a really nice little scene with Allison and Gerard - Gerard plays the nice grandfather routine, until he starts acting like a total ass - asking her if she'll commit to her family or not. It's a nice, powerful scene, short and sweet and well acted. And as it turns out, by the end of the episode, Gerard is a fucking badass.

Following this, we get another great scene of the werewolves training with Derek. Derek comes across a bit of an ass, but I do genuinely feel he always has the best intentions at heart - somewhere.

Once again the horror, action, drama and romance sections are blended together well, balancing horror with humour with charming character interaction and doing it well is recipe for a great show. That being said, I have no idea why Lacrosse needed so much screen time. Why is Lacrosse such a central point to Teen Wolf anyway? Well I guess it gave Boyd his reason to be here, sort of. Since he's been standing around for most of the episode. At least we got more Stiles/Lydia moments, I love their chemistry - they are so cute. We also get some more Stiles/Derek moments, which are always hilarious. And another awkward dinner scene and you know those are always fun.

This is easily the best episode of the season yet, scene after scene that is important to the story but also fucking awesome as well. I loved the shit out of this episode.


  • Such consistent quality.
  • The Kanima, can I be one of these instead of a werewolf please?
  • Stiles. I love how he is the most useless of the characters in terms of skillset and still manages to be the best friend in the show and does the most heroic and useful things. 
  • The fact the Kanima isn't 100% CGI.
  • Character interaction. 
  • Gerard Argent.
  • Brilliant blend of individual elements.
  • CGI is normally pretty shit, but it takes it to a new level of shittiness in this show. 
  • I wanna know who the vet is!

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