Sunday 18 December 2011

The Inbetweeners Movie.

So after that Christmas Slasher movie I knew the most topical film I had on my harddrive was one everyone had already forgotten about. So you know, I thought I'd stand where the bandwagon was before it left town, months ago. Enjoy?

I liked the Inbetweeners but I also always felt that it had slightly more credit than it deserved. It was funny in places and an accurate enough depiction of life as a socially awkward teen but people seemed to herald it as the comedy messiah, when honestly I think shows like Fresh Meat which do a similar sort of thing (and have one of the actors from this in it) do the whole thing a lot better. So I guess this singles me out slightly from the start. I'm honestly only here because I've seen such polarising opinions on this movie and really just wanted to check it out for myself.

Despite the fact the Inbetweeners Movie proudly calls itself a movie in the title, it isn't much more cinematic than the TV show, honestly it just felt like a much longer episode. Which is a shame, because the jump from TV to film should have given them the chance to really break free, do some interesting things. Instead it's just more of the same. So I guess great for those bowing down to this show and offering it virgins but not so great for everyone else.

I can't even honestly say this movie is particularly funny, I think my first laugh came around fifteen minutes in at the t-shirts and considering how tightly they were packing jokes and nods at the TV show in those first fifteen minutes the fact it caused only one laugh out of me is poor form. Then throughout there are a few giggles here and there but the film never had me laughing out loud. It does however keep the trademark awkwardness and stupidity which I am thankful is still here, it's what made the series for me. I honestly didn't know anyone could dance as bad as me in a club.

The entire 'narrative' of the movie can be summed up as the four guys going on holiday. We get short introductions to them in England that sets up their character arcs for the piece and while on holiday they all get over the demons they came with. It is all solved by women and booze which is an interesting message but ultimately there is little story here, just one awkward scene stitched to the next with the occasional laugh.

Plus, I'm not even sure if this movie is even aimed at me. At the risk of sounding really boring the idea of going with my mates to a foreign country and spending the whole thing getting drunk in nightclubs is rather low down on my list of things I want to do before I hit my thirties. You take the jokes away, 90% of the movie is just shots of people partying and I could care less. I guess if you've already been there with your friends you can relate to this better and maybe you'll enjoy it more.

What I can say at least is that the movie ends on a real feel good note, something I realised I rarely find in the movies I watch. It's always nice to finish a movie grinning. And the girls the boys meet are gorgeous, except maybe the one Neil meets...

So do I recommend this? No, not really. There are far better English feel good comedy movies out there (I watched Love Actually the other day, great movie) and this is nowhere near as good as the series and I found the series rather average so I guess that says something. But honestly I think this movie was made for fans of clubbing and fans of the show and I'm not much of either so if you are, maybe this is for you.

Think About It!



Rosie said...

You the film actually annoyed me in parts. I agree it was a slightly longer episode which was a shame but I enjoyed it overall, it wasn't quite as funny as I was expecting.
However the whole 'going after a girl who isn't interesting while a girl he's completely oblivious to is throwing herself at him' thing was dragged out far too long. I felt like shouting at the screen.

Rosie said...

*You know. That'll teach me not to proof read.

Think About It! said...

Wow it's been so long since anyone commented on a review! But I'm glad you agree with me for the most part :)

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