Tuesday 10 January 2012

My Top Seven Movies of 2011.

I know we're already past the first week of 2012 to the point where top ten lists, wishes for New Years and wonderings about Christmas are kinda pointless now, but this is still my first post of 2012 so I'm still gonna do a top ten list, wish you a Happy New Year and ask how your Christmas went! So err...Happy New Year and how were your Christmases everyone?

And just a warning, I can't really remember every film I saw in 2011 that also came out in 2011 and if I even manage to remember the film I probably can't remember much about it. I watch a LOT of films. So as you can see, by the end of it there were only seven films I could remember well enough to deserve a place on my 'prestigious' list. I also think no one is going to see number one coming. Enjoy!

8) I Am Number Four ~ It's funny, because it isn't, it's number seven! Ahem, anyway. I fucking hate the lead actor and for the most part I remember this film being pretty rubbishly written but this film is still honestly worth it simply for the fact that the last half an hour or so is fucking batshit insane levels of awesome. And as my degree gets heavier and heavier the importance of a film being fun above anything else is now pretty near the top. This theme is a clue as to what number one is, if you haven't skipped to the bottom already you impatient bastard!

7) Drive Angry ~ Once again, it isn't exactly the best piece of cinema you'll stumble across (nowhere near, let's be honest). But my God is it fun. And like I say, this is starting to become the only thing that really matters. I honest only watched this for Amber Heard but by the end I was grinning from ear to ear and had myself a bloody good time. Even if the special effects fucking blow.

6)  Paranormal Activity 3 ~ Maybe it was just because I was in the cinema and an audience can really change the whole experience of a movie (IE how when I watched the first PA movie with two friends going on about how it was the 'scariest thing ever' only to find myself with an hour and a half of squeaky doors and bed sheets on wires - yeah it sucked) but I'd still say that I honestly enjoyed this movie. It was probably the first PA movie that I felt actually worked and that actually scared me, even if the story was fucking balls and made no sense.

5)  Crazy, Stupid, Love ~ It could have done with some editing because honestly the film goes on way to long with multiple moments where it feels like an ending, and then just carries on some more. But it has a fantastic cast and it shows, it's brilliantly written and is just generally a fantastic movie.

4) Insidious ~ The first half is probably some of the scariest cinema you're going to see for a very long while. The second half however doesn't really work within the context of the movie but would have made a great movie on its own. And honestly if the second half wasn't so out of place, I might have put this as my top movie of 2011 just because I love horror cinema and to find an original, modern horror movie that is as genuinely frightening as the first half of this one was just got me truly excited so it's just such a shame the second half lets it down.

3) X-Men: First Class ~ Best superhero movie of the summer, no doubts. The only superhero movie I could say I genuinely enjoyed from start to finish this summer. Plus, just look at what January Jones is wearing, or rather isn't...

2) Hobo With a Shotgun ~ Nods to grindhouse, a cinema I love? Check. Incredible amounts of great fun? Check. Just an all round, brilliant film.

1) Real Steel ~ Yeah so, it isn't a piece of world shattering cinema. It's just a load of boxing cliches mixed with giant robots. But so?! In my mind I'm think 'exactly, that is fucking awesome!'. I have yet to see how well this works on DVD, but in the cinema this movie was just truly incredible, stunning visuals and an awesome soundtrack that just sweep you up with the incredible force that is this fantastic piece of cinema. It's is just unrelentingly fun escapism and that is why it is my top movie of 2011!

Think About it!


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