Where was I supposed to go?! There is great stuff coming to theatres, well I hope they'll be great but they aren't here yet, so why I'm waiting for both those and my laptop to be fixed I decided to pick something that is meant to be bad in the hope of sucking some entertainment out of that. Enjoy!
It was perfectly possible that this film was destined to fail from the start. Your film would have to be fucking beyond reality if you want to make a success out of a remake of a film that is loved by many. And then casting Sam Worthington, the blandest actor in Hollywood, as your lead... yeah you've already fucked it up.
Critics seemed to clash (arf) quite heavily over this film; although overall there were more negative reviews than positive there was a battle between critics who could appreciate a trashy movie on an entertainment level, those who couldn't and those who still had nostalgia for the original movie. For every critic claiming it's dull another would claim it fun in that cheesy sort of way. For every critic that said the script was bad a critic would argue you can appreciate the movie on just how straight the film plays its silliness. For every critic that claied that the action is hard to follow another will claim the film a masterpiece of trash cinema. And so on it carries. But what do I think? Well let's dig into Clash Of The Titans...
The plot of the film itself is simplistic, by they try and fit every little detail of Greek Myth in along with the immediate plot of the film meaning there is just way too much plot said and way too little shown. In the end the whole film is so fragmented it becomes almost impossible to follow as the characters go from location to location, fighting a new monster at each turn with some vague plot paraded around the near constant action. There is never time for character growth, emotional resonance or even a moment to appreciate what we've just seen. With the way the film jumps around everywhere it feels like huge chunks of the movie are missing.
What I will say is that even though Clash of the Titans admittedly doesn't have the most polished CGI or the best cinematography the action is still pretty good. It's stylish but also it's exactly the kind of big epic spectacle you'd imagine from a sword and sandals movie like this. Gods, monsters and super powers. This could have been a really cool movie.
So do I recommend it? Clash lets itself down. It's a movie of near nonstop action full of super powers, swords and monsters but you can't enjoy and appreciate any of this with the sheer amount of exposition being hurled at you that clogs down the pacing so extremely, the whole film needs a good edit and a script revision. The film should have a single story focus, not bits and pieces of story from all over the place. I really wanted to enjoy this movie, because we get some great action but the film is just painful. I mean you could honestly do worse than this but there are much better mindless entertainment movies out there that it leaves little reason for me to recommend this.
Think About It!
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