Although by no means the last movie of 2012 I managed to miss in the cinemas, it is the last one that I currently own and is actually out. So from this point forwards, expect my 2012 backlogging to be more staggered, hopefully with more frequent new releases and some forgotten gems inbetween, enjoy!
As this is an indie film...I really don't know a lot about this and wikipedia isn't much help either, although it's won some awards and was a marketing failure, apparently - wasn't that informative! Okay, I know that isn't a whole lot to go on but let's dig into Rampart...
Okay first can we just take a moment to appreciate that Ice Cube is in this...thank you. Now with that out of the way, Rampart is based around the rampart scandal, something I had admittedly never even heard of until I decided to review this is basically a crooked cop movie set in LA during 1999.

Brown is an interesting character, because really, although 'dirty' he isn't a 'bad' cop. He may chuck a few scumbags around, which isn't 'PC' but who cares, they are scumbags and he shows himself to be a really decent cop in general anyway, he just learnt how to be a cop from his Dad, who was a cop from a different time. Plus the film almost makes it even more complicated, on the one hand you have the protests and the news stations hounding this way of policing while the coworkers of Brown cheer on and support his actions. This kind of on the one hand but on the other is the way the film manages to pussy out of making any kind of actual statement or message, Brown is infamous for murdering an alleged date rapist, something he is applauded for for much of the movie but before the movie is over, this is twisted and Brown is made out like he tore a family apart, led a woman to suicide and children to abuse. So if the film was trying to make us dislike wasn't working for me, the film just felt like too much of a coward to just make a stance.
Seriously, there is more sex and nudity in this film, than there is action scenes. I mean there are action scenes, chase sequences, but each one is a story point, each one has an impact, which means they are few and far between, to allow slow boiling resonance between each. I've never complained about boobs before, but this film is just so incredibly boring.
So do I recommend it? Woody Harrelson's breathtaking central performance doesn't save the movie and the brilliant construction doesn't save the movie either, which is a shame because both is great, but Rampart is just so fucking boring it just makes it impossible for me to recommend, even with these things. Films about nothing can work if we are invested in the characters, but this film refuses to make up its mind about how it feels about Brown and so we can never make our mind up either. Avoid.
Think About It!
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