Tuesday 7 August 2012

Teen Wolf: S02E11 - 'Battlefield'.

It's that time of the week again, folks! The last episode before the finale! Last weeks review was regarded by many as my 'best review yet', I can't explain how happy that made me. Thank you, guys. So I hope you enjoy this weeks review just as much!

Stiles' once again reminds us why he is such a great character. My interest in him hs been somewhat overshadowed by what they've been doing with Allison lately, but this episode reminded me why I love him so much. The human aspect can really get lost in a show about werewolves and lizard men so I'm glad Stiles is like our avatar into the human aspect. Stiles is finally facing up to his own uselessness, he is caught in the middle of a monster and hunter battle and he isn't either. He knows the 'heroes' are losing and he can't do anything about it, when he was immobilised and watched his Dad get pummelled, it really hit home how out of his depth he is.

So Matt is dead. The end. I'm serious, his death is mentioned at the beginning of the episode and then never again. I know this season has been more about the Kanima, than the master, but the mystery of it still took a fair few episodes. Then Matt's story has very little impact on the main characters, he dies and the show just carries on, what a useless character and what a waste of episodes all that turned out to be.

Scott's life now basically sucks, his Mum who was too awesome to be anything other than a TV Mum, is now completely shutting Scott out after his little reveal last week. And Allison is no longer talking to him either, after she had her badass transformation last episode. Just a shame Scott is so insanely bland that I find it very hard to care. Although by the end of the episode it would seem his mother has come to terms with being caught amongst monsters, and dealt with the fact her son is a werewolf. I would say that perhaps she folds a little too easily to just accepting her son is a monster superhero but it's just how her character is, so I can't really complain. Plus, there are more important things going on, so... go Mum of the year!

Also holy shit, I never really noticed before but that Counsellor lady is smokin'. She can counsel me any day, if you know what I mean. But seriously, can we have a little more corny melodrama? I'm not sure we have enough yet.

We get more about the Kanima this episode, but it is from unreliable narrators, so I don't really know how much of it will actually turn out to be true. Gerard suggests that the Kanima joined him as a weapon of vengeance, something already established. Gerard wants vengeance for Kate and his daughter and the Kanima will act that for him. This gives Gerard a new weapon, more powerful than a sword to go after Derek and once again make Scott choose between loyalties, Derek or the people he cares about. God Gerard is such a douche.
The other things we learn come from Peter Hale, who we also can't trust but he suggests that the Kanima can be killed...through his heart. A werewolf can be cured, simply by their Christian name so the legend says and Peter swears this to be true. However a Kanima has no identity...just like an orphan...just like Jackson. Everything, once again, rests on Lydia the girl Jackson loved, even if he'd never admit it. But uh-oh, can it still work if Lydia is falling in love with Stiles? Or is this just some big lie anyway?  It would also draw parallels to Derek, he may use anger as his weapon, but his true weapon is his heart, this is why he needs Scott.

We also once again finally go back to what this show is about...y'know, werewolves? But once again it's only through Isaac. I don't understand why he has so much screen time, Erica just gets fan service and Boyd just sorta stands around- this is the first episode in this entire season he's actually done something of value. Why introduce the exciting concept of three new betas and then clearly favourite one and waste the other two? Either way I have to admit, I really didn't like Isaac much as character, but these last few episodes have really made him quite likeable. I like the idea of Scott slowly building his own pack, a mixture of werewolves, hunters and humans. I'd love to see him and Isaac become best friends, not in the Derek sense, but in a genuine sense and then rip Gerard's throat out.

Although, werewolf powers? I know I make this joke like every week, but where, when the plot says so? What about all the other times? Either way Teen Wolf has introduced a brand new werewolf power, the power to take away someone else's pain away and this is awesome. This was a fantastic scene. However it does leave me to question, why haven't we seen this before, if Scott has had this power for a while now, I can think of quite a few instances throughout this season when he could have really used it.

I don't really understand what is going on with Derek and his pack, have I missed something? Lost? In what sense? Why is Isaac on the run? Why are Erica and Boyd leaving? Oh well, Boyd and Erica were trolled and end up getting chased by hunters on quad bikes...awesome? Seriously the whole quad bikes thing just seemed really weird and pulled me out of the show a little. I mean why quad bikes? Why not unicycles? Or is that too silly? There are like three hunters and two quad bikes, why are Erica and Boyd even running? Oh well Erica sacrifices herself to save Boyd, then Boyd almost dies saving Erica. You're the best! Seriously, werewolves, power? These guys suck! Plus this would be more powerful if the two of them had had more than three scenes where they were even in the same room, let alone showing a friendship to one another.

The action in this episode is weak at best. The scene were Boyd takes like ten arrows for Erica lacks any kind of build up to have any emotional impact and is so clunkily edited it doesn't provide thrills in any other area either. Plus, it gets really old that the show always uses Chris as a plot device to stop characters getting killed, there is no reason for Chris to be like 'we can't kill them, it's the rules!' - this is Peter Hale all over again, Kate...your fucking wife, who cares about the fucking rules? Shit writing, here we go! The scenes of Derek beating the living shit out of Peter Hale really are over within seconds as Peter starts using his manipulation skills so no thrills there really. And so if most of the action in your episode, in a show about werewolves, comes from a lacrosse game, you know you have problems.

Although there was a dramatic moment of Jackson taking himself down at the end and Stiles being missing, this episode was really designed to set up everything for the finale, so it lacked that usual, explosive finish that make other episodes of Teen Wolf so great. It wasn't a bad episode...but just a bit of a nothing one while it gets the pieces in place, with all the set up in this episode though, I have a feeling the finale won't be one we soon forget.


  • I really, really liked Allison, Isaac, Scott's Mum and Stiles in this episode. Oh and the counsellor lady is hawt.
  • I'm  glad we learn more about the Kanima, even if we can't be sure to trust it. 
  • I really like the new werewolf power.
  • The possible friendship between Isaac and Scott and what this could mean for the future.
  • The fact that Matt and all his story were basically completely useless and a waste of my time.
  • I know I've said it before, but the betas are wasted and just a bit rubbish in general. 
  • And I know I've said this before as well, but the werewolves powers are just too inconsistent.
  • Shitty action.
  • That real lack of an 'explosion factor' that so many other episodes have.
  • Scott is our main character, be he is just so boring.
  • Hunters on quad bikes.
  • Chris and his only purpose to be a badly written plot device.
  • Fucking lacrosse.

Think About It!


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