Since both me and my friend had Orange Wednesdays and these films were playing an hour apart, we decided to go see both, I have a spoiler free podcast which is an extremely brief review of the films to put up when I can be bothered to edit it, but this is a more detailed spoiler filled double review feature. Enjoy!
It is written and directed by the great David Koepp and stars man of the moment, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, amongst others. And surprisingly, it's got a pretty good reaction from critics so far - with the films saving grace seemingly in its stunts and action set pieces. And what did I think? Well, let's dig in!
The golden boy JGL puts on a brilliant central performance - admittedly he doesn't have a whole lot to say, or a whole lot about him but JGL himself is so charming it's hard not to enjoy every scene he gets to say a line or do something other than pedal. He really helps carry the movie between the stunts.
Although I am still not entirely convinced on how complicated the plot of the film becomes... I can't deny that it works on a pacing level. During the first fifteen minutes of Wilee (JGL) cycling around, you start to wonder where this film will it will go anywhere at all but as the film goes and it becomes more and more complicated, it seems to only gain greater and greater momentum and focus, as said there is no denying that the elements only seem to gel on a coincidental level but there is also no denying that building more and more into your plot as you go is a great way to keep people watching, then giving them some insane stunts is a great reward for sticking around. And trust me, this is worth sticking around for.
So do I recommend it? Although I have to give it to Premium Rush for being surprisingly heartfelt, I still also can't help but feel that 90% of the plot was completely unnecessary in a story about a guy on a push bike to the point where it does feel a little like two very different movies awkwardly glued together which really did leave me feeling torn by the end. There is no denying the entertainment value of this movie, but I honestly think you can wait until DVD/BluRay for this one.
Now to move onto the film I definitely think you should drop everything to see...a film I think I will most definitely put on my best of 2012 list with Dredd....this has been a good month for movies.
ParaNorman is a stop-motion kids movie with horror elements and an all-star voice cast including but not limited too such talents as Casey Affleck, John Goodman, Anna Kendrick, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Jodelle Ferland. Also apparently there was some big deal around the 3D in this film, but I watched it in 2D and thought it was gorgeous anyway which means either the 3D is truly insane...or adds nothing. It has been a critical success, praised for its visuals, writing and mass market appeal. And what did I think, well let's dig in!
ParaNorman may be a kids film, but it doesn't soften its punches, it's a kids film that doesn't think all children are idiots and it works for great effect, I think adults and children can both take something different away from ParaNorman, and that is a good thing. Eitherway, both kids and adults will have to pick their jaws off the floor by the end.
It is also gorgeous, it is extremely stylish, extremely is just a film that needs to be in the cinema just...I have no words, stunning, eyeporn - My God! I could rant and rave about how good this looks and never do it justice, it is just a film that needs to be seen. This is what the cinema is made for. And although there isn't that much in the way of action as such, the action set pieces are almost in the huge, spectacular visuals and brilliant direction. I mean the conclusion is truly epic and explosive, without the need for some big battle or something...all you need is heart.
Do I recommend it? If nothing else, this is the kids film of the year, an intelligent non patronising story coupled with jaw dropping visuals makes for an experience that just needs to be seen in the cinema.
Think About It!
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