Thursday 11 October 2012

Supernatural: S08E02 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

It's that time of the week already? Wow, time really flies...well onwards with season eight of Supernatural!

Aside from a little character development, What's Up, Tiger Mommy? Is basically a filler episode. We end up backpedaling so far by the end of the episode it isn't even funny. And basically everything that happens in the episode, ends up meaning very little by the end. What does happen in the episode? It's one long, meandering, goofy chase sequence to get the tablet back.

The big sort of...thing in the episode is about half way through the God Plutus and a Supernatural Auction gets chucked into the mix, as if we needed any more of this crap - the fact that we've seen Lucifer kill Odin in a bloody hotel hallway while nerfed in a body practically falling apart I find it really hard to care about anything God related in this show. It's interesting to try and work out what each artefact is but ultimately a cool idea like that is ultimately wasted on a show like this. In Supernatural's minimalist style, it just comes across more goofy and weightless than anything else.

Hey guess what, Supernatural finally acknowledges the body count the Winchester's are racking up...well sort of, they have to kill an innocent woman, mail man and gardener first. How many innocent people have the Winchester's killed now? You remember when vessels were like a big deal? Now Sam and Dean don't give a fuck, they are possessed now, better stab them in the face! I mean why even bother trying, you aren't the heroes of the story or any-...oh no wait, seriously these guys have a bigger body count than most of the monsters they face. Doesn't this bother anyone else? I like how at one point they put a demon back in the vessel, just to stab it. Why does killing the vessel mean the demon won't tell Crowley? It was already half out, you could have just exorcised it or any other humane way...urgh, so fucking stupid. And then Sam is getting all sassy over the fact Dean was going to kill Tran's mother, you are just as bad! And what is all this 'it isn't them any more' bullshit, no, that isn't how your show works, you can't just make it up as you go along, you aren't a teenager's fanfiction, Jesus Christ I hate how inconsistent this show is. Seriously am I the only one that notices this crap? Why do I even bother? Urgh! Only this show can get under my skin so much because I don't watch anything else so poorly written and inconsistent.

Once again the purgatory segments are the highlight of the episode - as is seeing the effect on Dean, even if the episode can't seem to keep any consistency in any of the characters. Although why Castiel is still in his vessel in anyone's guess, kinda like how his vessel has been brought back to life so many fucking times while other angels have gotten through several vessels in the same time. There is even a whole gag about an angel making do with a crappy vessel in the same episode. And why has Castiel got a beard, why does the show deliberately point this mistake out? Who the fuck cares, other than me? The people on the show clearly don't! Supernatural and consistency never appear in the same sentence unless an in is in front of the consistency too.

I'm sure someone wants me to talk about the old guy with glasses who I'm not even sure is named...who I suppose we're supposed to assume is Thor? I really have no idea what that was all about, maybe it'll become clearer throughout the season but it did seem odd for him to get the whole cold open, before going out Obi Wan Kenobi style. Either way, it was pretty awesome to see Sam swinging Mjolnir around.

As an aside, anyone else feel the characterisations were just really inconsistent and off this episode? Like even more than normal? I mean I know purgatory has messed him up, but Dean was like a huge asshole in this episode, like way more than he ever normally is, last episode it was Sam that was the massive dick and now they've like swapped round. He actually really started to get on my nerves by the end of the episode, Dean may have always been a bit of a douche, but he came out so unlikeable by the end of the episode it just felt out of character, purgatory or not.

Overall the episode was just kind of dumb. There was absolutely no sense of pace and the 'comedy' scenes failed so much it actually made me squirm in awkwardness. The whole thing just bounced from one scene to the next with no sense of purpose other than to fail to capture the Supernatural feel and humour like a bad piece of fanfiction. There was a little character development, I'm guessing the Tumblr kids will go mad over the Dean and Castiel scenes in this, but this was basically a filler episode and Supernatural's low-production values or at least aesthetics made an interesting idea like a Paranormal Auction House incredibly dull. Admittedly seeing Sam swinging Mjolnir around was a highlight even if the emphasis on the Obi Wan Thor guy seemed really odd and out of place.


  • The Supernatural Auction thing is pretty cool, if completely underused.
  • That they at least acknowledged that killing hundreds of innocent vessels just because they've been possessed against their will might be kinda wrong?
  • Purgatory.
  • Sam swinging Mjolnir around. 
  • Some decentish character development...if they could keep the characters consistent in themselves though, that'd be nice.
  • What the hell was the point of this episode? 
  • Why is everything in Supernatural so dumb and inconsistent? Am I just supposed to smash my head on a wall after every episode just so I forget all the details you are clearly getting wrong or contradicting? Because I feel like smashing my head on a wall after every episode.
  • What the hell was all that Thor stuff about? I guess it could be foreshadowing but it was really weird.
  • Bad comedy. 
  • No sense of pace.
  • Dean, you are a massive cunt.

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