We go in with at least one comfort, nothing could be as bad as last weeks episode, nothing. I mean it could be just as bad, but we know there is no physical way it could be any worse. Yay, enjoy!

Although clichéd I still enjoyed the fact that they kept the whole 'You're an asshole, you don't care about anyone!' but we as an audience know he cares the most thing they have going on in this episode and the show in general. One odd theme I did find however was the way the show tries to villianise the cops. I mean the whole 'you just wanted a clean case, you don't actually care about anyone other than yourself' thing is a cliché used time and time again, especially in revenge movies but that isn't usually pointed at the cops, it's pointed at the lawyers. And yet in this show, the white knights are the lawyers and the cops the villains. Honestly so far the police have been Green Arrow's greatest threat. Although I'm sure no one is denying, even the cops themselves, that 'law' is a load of nonsense, no matter who is the one enforcing it.

Although actionwise a lot doesn't happen in the episode, it does have a pretty dramatic conclusion as literally every prisoner is let out of their cells, just to get a chance to kill Laurel... seems awfully elaborate there hired hitman whose name I don't think is ever mentioned. Just a shame this is over within minutes...isn't this meant to be an action show? Revolution...hell Beauty and the Beast is more action packed than this.

Honestly An Innocent Man was a solid episode, especially when you consider last weeks disasterpiece but right now, one problem still remains both with the episode and the show as a whole. Namely, what the hell am I watching? I know this isn't supposed to be a straight comic book show, that they wanted a more realistic, Nolanesque feel but right now...the show doesn't even have that. Sure, being a vigilante has proven useful for Green Arrow but Nolan at least gave Batman villains, he at least had action, threat etc we're four episodes into the season and we've yet to see a big bad even particularly emerging or any real threat for Ollie other than the fact he got arrested. I mean that is it, Green Arrow's greatest threat was getting caught, really? This show is much closer to a soap opera than it is any Nolanesque DC adaptation and that is just all kinds of wrong. I mean isn't it time for the actual plot to start? Or is it going to be this serialised all the way through? The episode wasn't bad or even boring but I do find the name, premise and poster of this show completely misleading to the actual content and leaves me constantly disappointed.
- I like the characters and the way they all play off of each other.
- The like two minutes of action we get is good.
- At least Green Arrow at least tried to hide his identity this episode...and then he got caught anyway, so whatever.
- Why are the real heroes, the police, played as the badguy's here?
- As solid as the character development is, if I wanted a soap opera I'd watch one.
- We got like two minutes of action this week.
- If getting arrested has been the greatest threat your hero has had, you're doing it wrong.
- John Barrowman, really?
- Will an actual narrative ever fucking start?
Think About It!
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