As you know we're approaching the mid season break for TV shows and I will be dropping Arrow at that point, sorry if anyone relies on my reviews, or whatever. I thought I may as well review it up until that point, after all this but since I've picked up so many shows on my blog and in my life, I don't have time for a show I don't particularly like. Arrow isn't bad, so much, but it's just clearly not targeted at someone like me so I'm not getting anything from this show, that I wanted to get. Hope you enjoy the review, at least, this will be one of the last.

Admittedly I know very little about the character of The Huntress, so I can certainly tell you she looks the part but I can't really say much about how faithful her transfer from comics to show is. Judging by this show, I'd probably assume not very faithful at all. She looks very nice and works great as a somewhere for Ollie to put his dick and his secrets in but I wasn't really convinced by her in the action scenes, I know she is only just starting out here but the little I know of The Huntress from the comics is that she is an utter badass, here, I never really got a sense of that. Probably the most annoying aspect of her character, ironically, is the way Arrow responds to her. He's still doing his mightier than thou bullshit, he actually has a bigger body count than she does at this point but still tells her she is in the wrong and he is in the right, no arguments, to him this is a fact, right before he snaps a guys neck, just like any good fundamentalist. What a cunt.

I really do not have a lot to say, I've been unfair on the show and have grown to accept that Arrow is not bad, it is just not what I want from a Green Arrow series. So yes, there were some great character elements again, just not a whole lot else. If you wanted Green Arrow turned into a Soap Opera, this episode and the show in general will give you a massive boner, for everyone else, just stick to the cartoons or comics, there is nothing for us here.
- Gotta love those classic gorgeous CW casts.
- This show is great if you wanted to see Green Arrow turned into a soap opera.
- Messy story.
- Uninteresting characters.
- Unconvincing action.
- Nothing for the fans of the comics this show is based on.
Think About It!
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