Don't worry I won't be dropping this show, I'm really pleased this is going to have at least one full season. No the show isn't particularly good but it's damn entertaining. So onwards, hope you enjoy!

Today's case involves a seemingly mauled body on a Uni campus, who turns out to be an utter douchebag, so no one cares that he is dead (although this detail is largely meaningless by the end). The episode is carefully edited to make us believe Vincent did it, which means he didn't, the real killer practised on a corpse year earlier, leaving his unique mark on a cadaver, leading Evan into getting kidnapped by a wannabe Copycat Killer. It has a few surprising twists and turns and does a great job of creating tension and raised stakes. All culminating to a nice bit of internal continuity and the interesting device of Cat using Vincent and his powers to save Evan, who Vincent is extremely jealous of. This adds further plot for later episodes, Monster Vincent's brutal slaying and this weeks killer, bumps him right up the top of the most wanted list.

Although there isn't much in the way of action this week, we get some pretty cool set-piece moments thanks to Vincent's new, uncontrollable hulkouts. If nothing else, Beauty and The Beast has a lot of style, this is probably in part to hide budget limitations but it's good the show makes something of it, making it one of the best looking shows I've not only chosen to review but out of all the shows I watch in my real life too. The episode does a great job at really capturing a sense of pure, brutal, primal power. Monster Vincent is awesome.

One of the greatest flaws with Beauty and the Beast, much like with Arrow, is that the central character is also the weakest. Cat isn't a bad character so much, she just has child levels of naivety to the point of infuriation, to the point where logic and common sense go out the window. This wouldn't really be a problem either, but she is meant to be a cop - how did she ever make it to where she is with her brain aching stupidity? I hate her so much.

- This episode is well put together.
- The episode is well written.
- Evan and what the future may hold for him.
- Monster Vincent.
- Just an all round great episode.
- I wish the show didn't have so many bits and pieces, it doesn't feel like a mess so much but with so many threads and plots and central characters with different stories and motivations, it can leave everything feeling somewhat fragmented.
- The episode is a little goofy in places.
- Cat is an awful central character.
- Another wedge between Cat and Vincent.
Think About It!
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