I know I've been away again for a few days, it's been my Birthday and my friends Birthday and I've basically been drunk since Thursday plus I got Sons of Anarchy seasons 1 - 4 on DVD which I am hooked on. But I'm back and with a 2012 film, so will you forgive me?
Lawless was one of those films, that started big (hell it was in development for about three years) but then vanished almost without a whimper. That is probably down to the film actually not turning out to be very good in many of the critics eyes. They claimed that despite some nice visuals and solid acting, the film falls short of the mark it sets itself, which often happens when films get stuck in 'development hell'. Heavy criticism was also placed against the film for 'not doing anything new', do they ever criticise a film for anything else? Well yes, the pacing was criticised, the script was criticised, the amount of gore was criticised. So maybe it's not a gangster classic but it's meant to be still fun. Plus The Proposition was fantastic, so I'm going to give the film a chance.
Based on a true story Lawless tells the story of three brothers who are moonshiners around the time of the prohibition in Franklin County. All is good for them at first, but times are changing, big city gangsters are taking over and the law is cranking down even harder. In steps Charlie Rakes, the only guy crazy enough to stand up to Forrest, who would start a war, just to stop the brothers. However, it looks set that the brothers may end up destroying themselves long before Rakes has a chance to really do anything.

Luckily the cinematography and editing are great too, because the action set-pieces are fantastic and it's lucky they get captured in all their glory. However, do know, Lawless is just as brutal as everyone says it is. There are some 'fuck yeah!' moments but many leave you feeling uncomfortable, squeamish - wanting to look away and it really shows off how well put together this all is. I know it isn't for everyone but this film affected me deeply and to me, that is a mark of a good movie. Although this is a violent film, it is never celebrating or praising violence and it makes the scenes as hard to watch as possible to reflect this, it's nice to see a film that really challenges an audience. Who would have thought I'd actually get upset when Shia LaBeouf of all people is getting the shit kicked out of him?

I think in the end, the one thing that lets it down is that despite everything I have just said...this is still a Hollywood film. There will be moments of brutal, bloody violence where this time period seems like Hell on Earth, characters will die and they will die violently but the thing is in a Hollywood film, you can't just go around killing off all your main characters in pathetic and depressing ways. And so what happens, is our heroes will defy the odds in ways that may be goofy anyway but in an otherwise dark and serious piece of cinema, their sheer amount of odds defying stands out like a sore thumb, making the tone feel very uneven. I mean I know Forrest has the whole immortality legend and he gets his comeuppance in the end but there are quite a few moments that have a lot of punch but most of the impact is lost because they have to have a happy ending.

So do I recommend it? Lawless is not flawless, huuur, but my God 2012 has been great for movies. Lawless, flaws and all, is still, in my mind, a masterpiece of Hollywood cinema. You can let the film wash over you and take away completely the wrong message or you can take it head on and come away with a thought provoking, challenging experience. So yes, if you came for a mindless gangster flick, you'd be disappointed, everyone else though...Lawless is just fantastic. For all those saying this isn't a classic like The Proposition, you are dead wrong.
Think About It!
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