Saturday 15 December 2012

Beauty and The Beast: Mid-Season Finale (S01E09) - Bridesmaid Up!

You're gonna be the only show I miss. See you in 2013!

Bridesmaid Up! doesn't really have any plot. There is a wedding. A case that parades around in the background just to provide an epic cliffhanger to tease us until next year and some scenes directly lifted from Twilight. That is it. Oh yeah and Evan is still doing his whole obsessed but he also almost got killed by a serial killer but doesn't really seem all that bothered by that any more as do none of his friends thing. It's stupid. They do at least try and pull something out of their ass to show why Evan was so concerned about having someone in his lab. But oh my God he has plot! Vincent is becoming less human! Whatever...

The way the episode deals with romance is just...strange. There is this whole 'motivational' sub-plot about how you don't need a boyfriend to be happy except Cat needs Vincent to be her point is completely null and void. But yay, pink and shoes and men! Also, something really just feels off with the general writing too, the dialogue is just bad, like I think we were supposed to be uplifted by Cat's wedding speech but I was hiding behind my hands in second hand embarrassment. I mean there are a few scenes that had me grinning in that crowd pleasing kind of sense but so much of this episodes romance seemed to miss the mark. Neither Jay Ryan or Kristin Kreuk are particularly good actors anyway but never before have so many seemingly romantic and flirtatious scenes had me cringing and looking away in horror. Teenage girls will probably find it 'cute' or some shit though.

And so this week, Cat is our roadblock. To be fair her reasons for not wanting Vincent at the wedding are perfectly valid and it's nice to be that way for once but he turns up anyway, they get a romantic dance and then she hears some shit about animals or some crap and they fall out again, of course they fucking do, fuck you BatB, you're giving me emotional blue balls. It is just annoying that their relationship develops at a snails pace anyway because of all the shit that goes on in every episode but they still manage to cockblock it whenever it's just about to come together. We're nine episodes in, we're at the mid-season finale and their relationship hasn't progressed at all. Just like with Arrow, this is going in circles.

This leads me to a wider question and that is, who is this show marketed at? That is something, finishing the mid-season finale, that I really don't understand. I can't tell if it's a Twilightesque romance shoehorned into a police procedural show or a police procedural show shoehorned into a Twilightesque romance, either way, as I have said basically every week, this doesn't work. The people who read Twilight are largely a completely different audience to those who watch CSI and jumping the show around every few minutes to these two complete opposite tones and styles is just frustrating no matter what half you're invested in because neither gets to develop naturally or properly. Hell the case of the week was so fragmented this week I could barely follow it, eventually I was barely paying any attention. Some dude smelt like blood and was nervous and it connects to matchmaking and finance and you know what, whatever, it has fuck all to do with anything.

Once again, although there isn't a whole lot of action, the way this episode wraps up is absolutely awesome. Yeah there is some pretty awful CGI but when Cat and the villain of the week both fired at the same time and only one was left standing...or sitting. but you get my point. That was like a scene straight out of a samurai film. Plus, when I watched this frame by frame, I do that, I'm a nerd remember? You can actually see the bullets arc through the air and connect, so we actually see Cat shot first, awesome!

BatB is admirable in its refusal to change. Despite people practically complaining and praising the same things across the board (a rare feat I tell you) the show still refuses to alter its format. And although I can admire the show for that, it doesn't actually make for very good viewing. Don't get me wrong, Bridesmaid Up! gathered steam as it went along and was ultimately a highly enjoyable mid-season finale but it suffered from exactly the same problems every episode so far has and that is starting to get pretty bullshitty, learn and build on your mistakes, don't revel in them.

  • The episode ends pretty epically.
  • Cat and Vincent get some cute moments.
  • You gotta admire something that refuses to change.
  • Basically no plot.
  • Evan really didn't get much pay off from the whole almost got killed by a serial killer thing, huh?
  • Stupid 'independent woman' sub-plot.
  • Bad acting. 
  • Bad writing.
  • Once again the relationship isn't allowed to develop as this show continues to stretch itself out by going in circles.
  • Who the hell is this show aimed at?
  • Another shitty case of the week.

Think About It!


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