I've talked a lot about gloriously bad movies from the 80s and early 90s but not at all of gloriously bad films from the last decade and since I really don't have much else to look at as of right now, let's talk about Stone Cold Steve Austin's body of acting work. Think About It! Presents: A Stone Cold Christmas. (geddit?)
I decided to do specifically Steven Austin's shit movies because there is already enough piss taking of John Cena and Roddy Piper's efforts. Plus, his body of work is surprisingly consistent in that every film he's ever acted in is glorious in how cheesy it all sounds. Plus come on, Steve Austin was a badass when he wrestled and is a badass in his movies.
And...this film is pretty awful and not in the fun way, I hate to admit. If I had known in advanced, I probably wouldn't have started here. But at least we can only go up from here! As always with these kind of films, there is little on it on the internet other than obvious press releases released by the suits behind the film and I only found a handful of reviews, one of which was on a website built around Christian Cinema, what the fuck? So I had no idea what I was about to be in for.

Our main character is Matthew Miller, who is basically Will McKenzie from the Inbetweeners, only the movie doesn't play it for laughs. He, unlike Will, is also a massive cunt, oh and he really likes boxing because his Granddad was a boxer or some shit, I don't know. Oh and Steve Austin? He's in it for like five minutes. He plays some ex boxer who is now a school janitor who kind of does that thing Derek did in the first season of Teen Wolf, where he just skulks around in the background looking constipated and doesn't do much else until the story actually demands he does something, only then to disappear again when the story doesn't need him again.

The characters who populate this film are all assholes who all talk like the dialogue was written exclusively for the trailer so it sounds unnatural and scripted. Even the mother character, which I usually cut a lot of slack for with all things considered, still managed to infuriate me in this film. The fact she plucked her son out of his life where he really had everything going for him, it seems, into this shitty ass school in a very rough looking neighbourhood is bad enough any way especially as she's just doing it for a man. But then she goes on to smother Matthew so he can't even get a new life on track, what an asshole. In the end, I only started to warm to Matthew due to sheer amount of cunts surrounding him, I mean the bully, Hector seems more creepily obsessed than some kind of genuine threat. And my God, don't get me started on how badly this film fails when it tries to be funny...

With everyone shouting empty pseudo inspirational quotes all the time something about the pacing ended up feeling really off. It's kind of like there are huge time jumps between every scene. Nothing ever really gets any build up, it's just lots of little explosions that have no impact at all because the film doesn't try to give us any sense of emotional attachment to anything in it first. Whenever there is conflict, it seems to largely come from nowhere. It just seems to assume we'll care about a load of random characters from the beginning or it just wants to rush to the emotional set-pieces and isn't interested in all that 'boring' set up stuff. Either way it just left me feeling disconnected from everything from start to finish which is a shame because although yes, this is as generic as a boxing drama comes, there is still a solid story here with some great moments but they are just lost in a film that manages to feel strangely rushed and incredibly slow all at the same time.

So do I recommend it? If the film was actually well written and the actors actually did their job with any sense of ability, this probably could have been quite fun but honestly, when the film isn't boring, it's just kind of painful. Dan Barnes is fun and played well by Steve Austin but this is a sub genre already populated by so many champions, this featherweight never had a shot.
Think About It!
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