Sorry this is so late, went to see Silver Linings Playbook (which you should all go see), Beauty and the Beast might be a little late too, as I have a friend over tonight and will be going out tomorrow night, any way, Supernatural, enjoy!

Then again, as out of character Dean's eye-lash battering is towards Benny, no one feels more broken than Sam does this episode. Is Martin, fresh out of the asylum, really the only contact they Winchester's have? Tracking and keeping tabs on monsters and their whereabouts seems like a useful job to aid hunters, you think there'd be people more specifically trained to do this...or at least not fresh out the loony bin. And then one text from Amelia and he just leaves Martin behind, after he dragged him into all this? What an asshole! Also, great grasp of day to night in this episode, guys, I have no idea what direction time is moving in this episode, but it's not linear like we know it.

The pacing in this episode is absolutely awful. The first half of the episode is basically all set-up but most of the pay off happens within a matter of minutes, still leaving over ten minutes of the episode left. And it's a huge anti-climax, too, Desmond seems to be pretty strong so they could have had a great vampire on vampire fight between him and Benny to make all this build up worth it but instead he basically beats Dean up for a bit, before getting killed with a cheap shot. It's amazing just how much nothing happens in this episode. And yes, I know there is that whole twist at the end, but that just feels tacked on.

Also as an aside, what is it with this season reusing actors from other seasons but making them new characters, even if their original character is still alive. Every episode has like a real person Easter egg as you try to work out who the actor/actress is and who they played before.

- Poor Martin.
- Desmond could have been pretty cool.
- Beautiful episode.
- Both Sam and Dean are cunts this season and so much so it actually feels like it's completely out of character.
- Terrible pacing.
- Weak mid-season finale.
- The episode was just kind of boring.
Think About It!
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