Saturday 2 February 2013

Beauty and The Beast: S01E11 - On Thin Ice.

Well last week provided one of the best episodes of BaTB ever, so what do you wanna bet that this weeks episode sucks? Hope you enjoy the review, any way...

The plot of this weeks episode really isn't easy to condense...because there isn't really a lot of it. Cat is still dealing with her gunshot wound and they actually use her wound to great effect. They both use it to avoid wasting time on cases of the week (yay!) and to also introduce a new character that Cat can talk too and share information with the audience. Vincent is continuing to be a douchebag. Evan still won't let Vincent go. And Muirfield are finally doing something again. There are a few twists and turns, all of which are uninspired. The end!

I know last week was really the first time I gave BaTB credit for its acting and I apologise for that, again, because once again this week we had some really great acting. Or at least some wonderful chemistry. There was a noticeable wedge between Vincent and Cat making this episode feel like one of the first times this show hasn't gone in circles. And when she finally gets the chance to verbally lay into Vincent, you feel it, because she is just venting the same anger and frustration we as an audience have.

Outside of Cat and Vincent however, something just wasn't clicking for me. Both Evan and his romantic scene with his new girlfriend failed to convince, however given the twist surrounding her this may have been a deliberate choice. I have no excuses for why the scenes with Vincent and Alex were so corny and clichéd though. At points these scenes felt like some kind of parody of itself. I honestly don't even think it's the acting so much, they've all shown to have talent in places, I think it's just the truly cheeseball dialogue. I found myself cringing through nearly the whole episode.

If nothing else, at least this episode has set off the alarm bells for a few other critics on the representation of women in this show. I mean the representation of women in this show is poor anyway, pick any of my reviews at random, especially the earlier ones to see what I mean. But in context the representation of women seems even worse somehow.

Alex really knows nothing about Vincent at this point but is still happy to drop her fanny into his hands as soon as he walks in the door. You know, like all women do. Tess is a police detective, to get there, especially in a male dominant environment like that should mean she is one of the best detectives around. Instead she seems quite happy to push her job aside, even on duty, to find herself a man because you know, that is really the only important thing for a women, they can't function without men! And considering Cat knows for a fact that Vincent is mutating into something less than human and that secret agents are waiting to strike at any time, she seems much more concerned about whether he'll pick her over Alex. And I may be a man, but I still find the way women are represented in this offensive.

And even wider than that, isn't Cat supposed to be a grown women, a police detective, so why is she in love with Vincent? Minus his monster (literally) tantrums, her near death scrapes thanks to him simply being in her life and the amount of shit he's put her through throughout the season (some of which is admittedly her own choice, but still), what else does he have? He's hot, he's err...? I can buy this kind of crap in Twilight because Bella is just a kid, we do this kind of stupid shit when we are kids but then we're supposed to grow up and learn from our mistakes. If the show didn't waste so much time going in circles all the time and had actually spent some time with Vincent and Cat getting to know one another and falling in love like real human beings before the inclusion of Alex, it could have really shaken things up, instead it all just feels really stupid.

Wow, when Beauty and The Beast is bad, it really is quite bad isn't it? This hasn't been a fantastic series so far but most episodes have had their moments or just a general fun factor. But this episode...this was just...really bad.

  • I never thought I'd be praising Kreuk as the best actor in...anything, but she nailed her performance this week.
  • This is probably helped by her believable chemistry with Jay Ryan. 
  • Fuck off Vincent.
  • Terrible acting. 
  • Terrible writing. 
  • It's 2013, there is no excuse for women to be represented this poorly any more. There was never an excuse.

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'On Thin Ice'?


Anonymous said...

I liked this episode a little better than you did and as a woman, I thought C stood up for herself pretty well. I liked that C called V out on his risky and stupid actions not caring if that would make V pick A. Liked her response to his BS ultimatum - reminding him he is still lying to A and living in a fantasy world. Still baffled as to how the writers will fix the jerk V has become so quickly without making C look weak. I really like the strength of C's character, so hope they don't screw that up the way they are making me hate V right now.

Think About It! said...

Fair enough! My feminist comments obviously have to be taken with a certain grain of salt as I am a man, I hope my male view didn't actually in turn offend anyone!

Catherine is a pretty strong character, but Kreuk is a little too weak an actress to be playing her, in my mind, which is maybe why I didn't register her as strong as you did. Personal taste and all that. She certainly comes across a lot better when she isn't trying to act as a detective, that was about as believable as Muirfield are a threat, lol.

I really don't get why they turned Vincent into a massive dick for the second half of the season, luckily I like Evan.

Anonymous said...

No offense taken. But since V and C are endgame, I worry the writers will not be able to redeem V and have C forgive him without making her look weak and needy. THAT would offend my feminist sensibilities!

Think About It! said...

It is true, this sudden heel turn so late in the game is bound to cause problems further down the line when they have to find an inevitable reason to pair them off.

Then again BaTB has so far been 'Cockblocking Vincent, the show', so I'm honestly not surprised that they've now made the audience dislike him as much as the writers seemingly always have.

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