Saturday 16 February 2013

Beauty and The Beast: S01E13 - Trust No One.

I am sorry this is so late, my body hasn't been right for the last few days. Not ill exactly, I've just had an odd blend of extreme fevers that vanish in a matter of hours and I'm totally fine again, incredible neck pain and most recently a day where I was awake all 24 hours and only really started to get tired in the 23rd hour. Weird, any way, on with the review...

BatB has been a bit shit for the last few weeks, however last week seemed to get rid of Alex, so I was quite excited for what this weeks episode would also do to improve itself. However, sadly, it back peddled by giving us Alex from the opening scene, and largely using her to drive the entire narrative. Just what no one wanted.

Hey at least Alex came back to call out Cat's bullshit. So what was Cat's reason for helping Vincent despite his general shit treatment for her, you may be asking. Well, there wasn't one really...just a really shit excuse. But Alex nodded and start crying, so I guess it was just too deep for me. Okay, that isn't really fair, it does seem to all extensive purposes Cat is just an extremely lovely person.

This weeks case is an apparent suicide of a journalist, that could perhaps be a murder perpetrated by a jilted lover. As it actually turns out, it's just Alex getting her friends involved even after Cat warned her that she'd get them killed if she did, thanks Alex! Alex even gives him full names, just to make certain they'll see him as a threat and kill him off. To be fair, the case of the week does give us even more reasons to hate Alex, who is the most useless and pointless member of the entire cast of characters, who seems to exist entirely to be hated. I guess her and Vincent do belong together after all. I just wish they'd fucking kill her off already, I've never wanted a character to die more in my entire life.

Meanwhile Vincent is still trying to convince Cat he isn't a douchebag with some huge drawn out speech I didn't really pay any attention to because I already know he is a massive douchebag and his excuses look set to change my mind even less than they will Cat's, as Cat acts like she is having none of it, but answers his every beck and call scribbled on a bit of paper any way. But hey, at least this makes for a great forced Valentines Day special, yeah! You know what I hate the most about Vincent? That he got Cat that horrible Bruno Mars Flashmob, God if I was embarrassed behind my TV screen, I'd hate to know how Cat was feeling. And let us not even talk of the fucking implications of this considering the position they are currently in.

And really show, you're really going to do that? You're going to have them millimetres from kissing, then getting caught by that annoying little shit of a sister? I guess even if this week really does mean the final goodbye for Alex, we'll still be lugging this annoying little shit around. Does this show not know how to make characters the audience can actually like?

Don't tell me Muirfield are hunting Vincent, aside from last week, they haven't done anything for about five or more episodes. They are one of the worst villains in any show ever. Did you see just how rubbish they were this episode? I'm done with these guys, I could do a better job. But oh em gee! Evan has just joined their ranks, this is by far the most interesting part of this show ever!

Look, I know this review is pretty negative but I just think Alex is an absolutely awful character and she just ruined this episode for me. The episode really wasn't that bad or as bad as last weeks but I just cannot fucking stand her and I can see my enjoyment of this show vastly improving once she is gone for good.

And look, it isn't like I have no heart. I understand that Alex gets her love back....finds out he is some kind of fucking monster and suddenly her life is in danger, she can't use her credit cards or go could you imagine how scary and horrible that could be? Yes, yes I can. But we've seen nothing to make us sympathise with what is happening to her, we've seen her whine, make stupid decisions that go against everything that has been told to her....but we've never once seen her do anything clever, or helpful. I just find her utterly frustrating and completely unlikeable and she is presented in such a 'God I really want to punch you in the face' kind of manner, it seems the showrunners hate her just as much and that is why I just can't enjoy these episodes. I have no emotional stakes in someone that makes my blood vessels burst more regularly than when I vomit and she makes me want to vomit as well.

  • I do quite like Cat as a character.
  • Evan turning into a villain could actually be really interesting, then again this is Beauty and the Beast...
  • Any new reasons to hate Alex is good with me.
  •  I think that Alex is the fucking Antichrist.
  • Vincent isn't much better.
  • Cat, stop being so nice to people who treat you like shit, you don't want to get taken for granted or walked on, you're too good for that.
  • Minus Cat, JT and Evan, I hate all the characters.
  • Minus Cat, JT and Evan, every character makes stupid, out of character decisions to add pointless drama and tension to the story that could actually be found through logical means that actually make a lick of sense.

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'Trust No One'?


Julianna said...

Awesome and spot on yet again. I wanted to throw stuff at my screen more times than I can count.

Here is my fear with Alex--yes, I agree she should die, and it looks like she will what with the Murfield agent behind her on the buss. HOWEVER if her death means that Cat and Vincent have to find out she is dead giving Vincent yet another excuse to play the whole brooding 'no one should be around me cuz I get people killed, boo hoo hoo... then hell, let the bitch live, cuz the last thing we need is more of his whining.

My other major problem is this shit excuse everyone is giving Vincent for a dick the last few weeks. He was 'doing the right thing'. My ass. Yes, okay, it was decent of him to try and make up for what he did to Alex all those years ago, but he did it in the worst possible way. Doing 'the right thing' would have been not lying to everyone so that you could have whatever you want. To hell with you Vincent. My favorite line og the show was when he sarcastically asked JT why he should trust JT's opinion on what women want. Umm... maybe because JT actually has a healthy and functioning relationship with a woman and you have a hot fucking mess... which you try to remedy with a flash mob. I would have cut his nuts off. Just sayin'.

Think About It! said...

Glad you enjoyed it again! I think my writing style shifted somewhat this week because my anger had a much more singular focus, haha.

Maybe because it cut after the agent died, she'll just die off screen and never be mentioned again. I can hope at least. Cat and Vince kinda helped her die, because Muirfield can kill her now, and everyone will just assume she's starting her new life.

If it does mean more tantrums from Vince tho....

It just feels like the writers are copping out, they turned their lead male into an utter douchenozel and now they're basically pleading with the audience to like him again, except no one does.

It's a shame that JT's relationship has basically vanished from the show, since they bothered to spotlight it originally and it was nice to see that Vincent doesn't ruin every life he touches.

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