Just when I thought I was finally done with this show, it delivers probably the best episode of the season so far.
There wasn't really a lot of narrative this week, it was largely one long segue and although that'd usually annoy me, they spend the time exploring the shows characters, perhaps most specifically Tess who largely fell out of the show once the cases of the week were cut out as well. So ultimately I'm not complaining.
However that does cause problems in itself, the central aspect of the episode was Tess and Cat's friendship and although the show has told us they have a rich history together, the majority of their friendship has happened off-screen with very little actually happening on the screen. And as much chemistry as the two have, I ultimately have very little emotional investment in Tess or their friendship in general, so my reaction was largely a surface one. And there were moments that were probably supposed to feel big and epic but they ultimately fell flat because I have very little investment in any of it.

Despite the intensity of the situation, I got quite a few chuckles out of their scenes together and after Vincent saved her life, I really do hope they strike a friendship, I think they could be really good bros. Plus it'd be good for him to have a friend now they've got him a girlfriend. I mean I know he has JT but JT largely seems to exist to clean up after him, Tess is someone he can chill with a beer with. Although I wonder what jealousy that would cause, I am indulging myself here, I do realise. A serious point though, I do think shows largely forget the importance of a bromance. Obviously things like love and family can be used for big explosive effect but a relaxed, simple and casual friendship mixed in would strike a good balance and relief from the onslaught of emotions, especially now Cat and Vincent are getting more serious.

There are other more subtle aspects to Cat this episode that further uplift. When Tess doesn't budge on the whole turning in Vincent thing and blowing the case wide open, Cat technically had one final trump card, Tess' affair with Joe. Although no, Joe isn't a monster serial killer vigilante...thing he is nonetheless their boss and so the fallout would still be explosive. However Cat didn't even threaten her with it, she didn't even mention it. I admire Cat for that, she wasn't willing to ruin her friends life to save her own.

In short, it was a wonderfully written episode with great dialogue that is held up by solid acting and believable chemistry between the cast. And the fact that it still works so very well, even with largely unexplored characters and aspects like Tess and her friendship with Cat really does say everything. I largely complain about static, stagy episodes but these verbal confrontations have been Beauty and The Beast at its most intense and emotionally charged. The characters have never been bad in this show but in this episode, they really come alive. You know how Supernatural is still delivering filler this close to the finale? Well here Beauty and The Beast is delivering episodes worthy of the finale, weeks ahead of time. Just wow.
- Strong chemistry between the cast.
- Tess really backed Vincent into a corner didn't she? I thought Vincent got this whole woman thing down but it appears his charm didn't work on Tess, that is why I'd love to see them become bros.
- Aw vulnerable Vincent is so cute.
- For the most part this week Cat got to be strong Cat, rather than stupid Cat and she is a very enjoyable character when she is.
- Great writing.
- Excellent dialogue.
- Solid acting.
- Intense.
- Emotional.
- Great characters all round really.
- Tess and Cat's friendship could probably have done with more on-screen exploration beforehand as it took away some of the episodes clout having so much of that happen off-screen.
- Did they really have to make JT fuck up?
- Come on Vincent, buddy, use some stairs.
- It still was very stagy for the most part.
Think About It!
Liked your point that Cat could have used the affair against Tess, but didn't even go there. Didn't think of that, but shows her character.
Agree that V jumping off 5th story fire escape clearly visible when supposedly trying to keep low profile when they know E is onto them was ridiculous.
That certainly shows off her character...when they want her character to reflect that. She can sometimes be an inspiringly smart and kind character...other times she is just stupid.
But yeah Vincent is an idiot.
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