Let's be perfectly honest, Megaforce isn't very good. The great sentai action sequences probably would give it a pass usually but as a celebration of this shows longevity, it's frankly insulting. However, this week, a new member is joining the team and it may be a machine but it also may just be the thing the show needs to breathe some life into it...

I actually wouldn't have minded it if they had just full on gone with eco-warrior Power Rangers. As corny a concept as it would be, I always prefer a Power Rangers team unified under some kind of theme, rather than just a ragtag bunch of teens. And I know they have the whole Defenders of The Earth in general thing they cry but the Megaforce don't really seem to be about anything other than defending the Earth in general, they lack a primary focus. I mean sure defending the Earth is important but without any motivations beyond that it isn't particularly interesting.

Hey guess what, we actually get to spend time with the characters...kind of. Despite it being Troy who defeated Creepox and being the only one mature enough to not celebrate prematurely, really the character focus was on Noah and Emma as they accepted their lives as Rangers and thought about their new friendships, with a little bit of Jake and Gia flirting thrown in for good measure. Yes, it would have been better if this focus was on Troy, since the other Rangers were largely useless in the battle, but by this point I'm so starved of character focus I'll take whatever the hell I can get.

And most importantly is Robo Knight's entrance. Which was pretty lame, honestly. Although the concept was there with the whole pollution is my power thing, we've seen our Rangers take quite the beating over the course of the series and the episode did very little to warrant why the Earth let him step in now and not earlier. Much the same can be said for the fact that his arrival inspires the Rangers do like a...clean costume transformation (?) complete with apparently increased power. Why? Couple that with the shitty robot voice effect and his corny dialogue and all you have is a big soup of underwhelmingness. He does at least provide the Rangers something to work towards that isn't in the fight scenes and so if this show actually starts focusing on the characters and not just the action he could turn out to be really interesting.

Overall I thought this was a pretty damn good episode Yes Robo Knight's entrance was kinda crappy and it seemed odd that with what Troy went through we don't focus on him at all but that doesn't outweigh the fact that Megaforce has picked a theme with actual threat, introduces some interesting new villains and a sixth ranger who kicks utter ass.
- Given all the crappy, nonsensical and goofy villain motivations in the past, a genuine threat like pollution and the damage that causes the environment is pretty refreshing.
- I like the new villains - sorry Creepox but I fully support your replacements.
- Yay character focus, sort of...
- Great action, both Noah and Robo Knight get to kick some serious butt this week.
- Although I support your message, you don't need to scream it at us.
- Why is Troy the one character you don't focus on at all this week, given everything that happened in the last episode?
- Robo Knight's entrance was...pretty shitty. That voice man.
Think About It!
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