Last week's adventure was, in my mind, the Eleven's best adventure yet. Will this weeks top it? Let's find out...
This weeks premise, which seems to be a running trend of Moffat's Who, sounds like it was a lot better on paper than it actually turned out to be on screen. Picture this, it's the 80s, the world is on the brink of the Cold War. A Soviet Nuclear submarine finds and defrosts an Ice Warrior, the aliens native to Mars. The Ice Warrior begins a rampage through the ship, abandoned by their race, it has nothing left to lose and lots of Nuclear missiles to play with. Sounds great huh? Yeah...
One of the biggest problems is just how cheap it all looks and feels. These last two episodes have for the most part looked pretty damn great, if Moffat is striving for a more cinematic feel for Who, the people under him nailed it. Here however the CGI is utterly dreadful and after last week's stunning visuals, crappy and dated looking CGI exterior shots of the sub and unconvincing sets for the interior of the sub are frankly insulting.

And perhaps one of the strangest things is how little any of the setting and context really comes into play. Despite multiple references at how deep the sub was and how their air is running out this never comes into play in any way and has no real affect on the characters aside from when they announce to the audience that that is happening. And for a bunch of Soviet soldiers contemplating dropping the world into a Cold War, they manage to stay very calm as the episode transpires which frankly just felt weird. Although not nearly as weird as David Warner basically playing a grown up version of the obligatory stoner character in a slasher film who is just there...for reasons. Oh well, time to kill off more of the cast off-screen.

The episode is fucking confusing as well. At one point Clara says to the Doctor that the world wouldn't end in 1983 because 2013 is happening right now. The Doctor explains however that history is in flux, it can be changed. This is fine but Skaldak was found without the Doctor's intervention which would mean that at least in the Doctor Who universe, Skaldak was always found in 1983. The only person changing history here is the Doctor and Clara who are trying to stop Skaldak from doing what he is doing. So that either means that they are changing the future by stopping him or that it was always supposed to happen this way, there was just never any mention of this ever...either way it hurts. And sure paradoxes like that are the byproduct of any time travel narrative but the writers under Moffat seem to make the paradoxes especially noticeable and obvious.

One thing I can compliment the episode for was the design of the Ice Warrior. I love how New Who simply cleans up the classic appearances (for the most part) rather than just completely redesigning them. 2013's Ice Warrior just looked like a much sleeker, more expensive version of the classic one, I love that. Next time they appear, I just hope they do something with them.

The Doctor however...The Doctor is a goof but he isn't stupid. Behind his whimsy is a sharp wit and a deep intelligence. Although... not in this episode. Seriously I spent pretty much every scene asking what his logic was behind what he was doing was but I was so exhausted by that in the first ten minutes I instead just locked my face in the WTF position ready for the rest episode.

- Well the premise, at least on paper, sounded pretty good.
- Skaldak looked great.
- Clara.
- A great idea, poorly executed. Why am I surprised? Moffat Who has a tendency for that.
- It looks cheap as hell.
- Steals from films that you should just watch instead.
- Weakly written.
- Crap ending.
- Paradoxes, inconsistencies and flat out bullshit everywhere.
- I hated how The Doctor was written.
- Poor Ice Warriors.
- Hell, I'd rather watch the SyFy Originals, at least they know their limitations.
- Lovely accents, Soviet Navy.
- Terrible pacing.
Think About It!
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