Sunday 7 April 2013

Power Rangers Megaforce: S20E09 - Prince Takes Knight.

So after doing my Doctor Who review it was pretty late and I couldn't be bothered to start a new review of something. But now I have a pot noodle at my side, a scotch egg in my belly and ten hours sleep under my belt, let's do this!

So largely this week the Rangers squabble with Vrak over Robo Knight and it manages to get pretty damn intense and epic in places, even if Vrak's plan suspiciously sounded like the strategy you use to catch Pokémon. And it even attempted to address and iron out some continuity issues like why Gosei never mentioned Robo Knight before or why Troy never mentioned his dreams yet either.

Our villain this week along with Vrak was Psychotick. Psychotick was more there to serve a specific, singular, purpose than to do really do anything of value however even with that in mind Psychotick managed to still be a pretty great villain. I love how he disabled the Rangers by exploiting Robo Knight's lack of interest in civilians caught in the crossfire, it felt suitably evil and heartless and although it doesn't ultimately come to much, I did like that they dedicated a whole scene of him dropping the city into chaos, so he actually accomplished something before being destroyed.

This week had some pretty impressive action, I really liked that people were actually at risk this week and the Rangers had to save them. You don't see a lot of that because normally the attacks on the people in the Sentai are much too violent and brutal to make it into the Power Rangers version. I also love watching Robo Knight fight, what a badass. Plus we get a civilian form fight scene and a bloody impressive one at that.

Once again sadly the weakest area is the acting and it's a shame because at least on paper the characters are very well written and consistent. This becomes no more apparent than it does with Troy, cheesy for sure but I personally love his classic strong warrior archetype, all about the power of friendship and what have you. Troy always gets cool moments and fun dialogue, Gray just never lives up to any of it. The same goes for Robo Knight, watching this guy fight is a rush, he's fucking awesome but then he opens his mouth and delivers shit lines with an even shittier robotic voice effect and it's just awful.

Jake and Gia thankfully are always there to live up to their characters and pick up the slack. They are by far the best characters in the show and about the only good aspect of the Megaforce adaptation. I like just how angry Jake seemed to get at the fact Robo Knight didn't care about people in harms way, it made him feel like a proper superhero without getting too cheesy they also kept this consistent throughout the episode. The same goes for Gia as she gets biggest laughs and the coolest moments. They're just great.

Prince Takes Knight further improves the quality of Megaforce which has been getting better and better since episode seven, it's just a shame it took so long to get there. It was a solidly written episode that blended moments of genuine threat, with light moments that genuinely made you laugh out loud. I always like episodes like this, I know Power Rangers is a 'kids show' but there is no reason why it has to be goofy 100% of the time and when we have a balance and blend of serious and funny, it makes both aspects have that much more punch. Best episode so far.


  • Solid writing. 
  • A good villain. 
  • Great action. 
  • Jake.
  • Gia. 
  • A nice blend of funny, light moments and heavier, more serious moments.
  • Watching Robo Knight fight.
  • Andrew Gray. 
  • Robo Knight's voice.

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'Prince Takes Knight'?

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