Tuesday 2 April 2013

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: S37E07 - Angry! Daigo's in Big Trouble.

Last weeks episode was easily the worst episode yet but that was more a stylistic problem with me, than with the episode itself, overall this really has been a fantastic series and I hope this episode is a return to previous form.
This week our villain is Debo Brandiron who has the power to turn the Zorima into replicas of other people with the ability to read minds, so they can provoke the angriest reaction from them as possible. This is used pretty underwhelmingly as we learn very little new about anyone and it plays it more for the sake of a gag than anything with a deeper purpose. Honestly they overcome this so quickly as well it doesn't even have enough time to try and be funny. Then again if you needed evidence that this episode wasn't trying, all you needed to see was the ridiculous and stupid fart joke victory.

Minus seeing Dogold in action, everything good and interesting in the episode happens outside of the Kyoryuger squabblefest. On the island where the Zyuden are kept Chaos appears and Torin locks him in a battle. Although the execution leaves a lot to be desired, the concept of this more than made up for it. You never want to have someone as strong as your Sentai heroes on the side of good as it'd make the team feel less important but that doesn't mean everyone around the team has to be weak and useless, so it was nice to see Torin fending for himself. Why was Chaos on the island you may ask? Well to free a Zyuden so powerful, they sealed it in a volcano...

The Torin battle raises a further thing that I really like about this iteration as a whole. And that is that the important characters aren't afraid of getting their hands dirty. A big problem with a lot of Sentai is the main villains refuse to actually do anything themselves for so long, overall they end up doing very little in the series in general but there ain't no sitting around for the Deboss Legion, they are here to get the job done. Plus the little glimpses into their powers and abilities gives purpose to otherwise throwaway sequences like the majority of the action this week and makes it feel ultimately worthwhile.

Overall I just don't really have a whole lot to say, it seems a little early to be exploring the characters flaws and weaknesses and using them against them, I haven't spent enough time yet with the team to really care. Not that it matters however as it turns out largely the whole battle this week was just filler, a distraction, while Chaos freed Pteragordon so nothing in this episode really mattered until like the last five minutes away. What a waste of time, this series is going down hill fast.


  • It's really cool that the important characters get involved directly, rather than just sitting around.
  • Any potential the whole evil copy plot could have had is wasted.
  • The majority of this episode is basically pointless. 

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'Angry! Daigo's in Big Trouble'?

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