Friday 3 May 2013

Beauty and The Beast: S01E20 - Anniversary.

I dunno whether it's obvious by this point but I will not be returning for season 2. This is a show with great moments but the crap elements of the series far outweigh those great moments plus I just really don't like the direction the series has taken. I will however see it through to the end...of season 1. So let's continue the slog!
It's the ten year anniversary of Cat's Mum's murder, a lot has changed however since she now knows the truth behind it all (to some extent) and has Vincent by her side. Although all she has learnt surrounding her mothers death provides less solace and only more pain because it only makes her realise just how little she truly knew her mother. However, since the day her Mum was killed was the day Vincent saved her, she just wants to make the day about that.

What truly throws a spanner in the works however, providing the central conflict for the episode, is apparently Gabe has had a theory that Cat's Mum has been alive this entire time and faked her own death to protect her children, drawing parallels between that and Vincent's actions. This not only has an obvious knock on effect, but it also causes Cat and Vincent to clash. Fighting already? Jesus.

Remember how I said this show was trying to go beyond just being Twilight the TV show like it seemed to be aiming for at the start? Yeah, this week it decided to go completely against that point, I don't think Vincent has ever felt more like Edward Cullen, honestly. Whether it's creepily watching Cat sleep or him monstering out due to irrational jealousy over nothing. What an asshat. Oh men, the strange beasts, so possessive!

Should I complain that Gabe being a Beast is totally obvious? Nah, I am actually kinda excited, maybe we'll finally get a substantial villain! It isn't even just the incompetent Muirfield, last week we saw Vincent monster out and take on a whole strike team, this week Vincent can't even pull a guy out of a car. Just because you've failed to establish substantial villains and threat, doesn't mean you can just keep changing your own continuity to add false tension, that is such incredible hack writing.

Kristin Kreuk isn't a very good actress is she? I complained so much about how unconvincing she was a detective to the point where I just didn't feel the need to talk about it any more, I just assumed it was a given.

However this week demanded that she actually...act...and it was underwhelming to say the least. I know her Mum has been dead for ten years but given all that has happened, I thought she'd be distraught and then this random guy appears with more stories about your Mum than you have, I thought she'd be furious AND THEN she gets the hope in her heart that her Mother is alive, I thought she'd be bouncing off the walls with joy....but nope, she is as bland here as she is in every other episode to the point where Vincent had to actually announce her emotions in some scenes. Pathetic.

However my one true complaint with the episode is...why is Joe and Tess...a thing? Joe was important when his brother died but they pushed his grief so far back in the story that it lost all meaning and purpose. That is exactly the same with Joe and Tess' affair, which only has vague relevance to anything else in the show, and way less relevance than it did say...ten episodes ago, it just feels like time wasting. I mean sure Tess is a great ally but with all that is going on, I could care less about Joe being a massive asshole, unless this was just supposed to be one long episode about how much the producers of this show hate men.

Honestly with better actors and more consistent writing and focus, this could have been a really great episode but with the actors, writing and focus we do have, it was all just rather mediocre. It wasn't the worst episode of the show so far, but it wasn't much better than those either.

  • Maybe Gabe will finally add some conflict to the show. 
  • Tess makes for a good Robin.
  • Kristin Kreuk.
  • The lack of conflict and tension.
  • Pointless subplots.
  • Edward Cullen Vincent.
  • Weak writing.

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'Anniversary'?

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