Are you ready for another instalment of Mediocre and The Bland?!

The pregnancy scare causes both Cat and Vincent to think about their futures together, or rather the fact that their present life now is probably unlikely to change, no nuclear family, wedding and white picket fence. Although Cat does hint, without outright suggesting, that those kind of desires are a little outdated in our modern climate, which I would agree with. The real problem with all of this though, is in the way this is all constructed. Vincent especially just comes across so immature and whiny, throwing tantrums rather than having real internal conflict. Vincent isn't just some guy Cat's Dad doesn't like, so he has to sneak around, he is a freakin' mutating monster being hunted by some super secret organisation. There are more important things going on Vincent, stop whining all the time, why don't you actually take things seriously, stop being such a melodramatic douchebag and get your damn priorities straight?

The other half of the episode is dedicated to Gabe, who finally comes out of the closet with his monsterness. However thanks to so much time being wasted in this episode, and the show being so poorly plotted in general, it comes across as unintentionally laughable that his time runs out and he loses control pretty much immediately after he reveals himself. Well that was convenient. Also how he and Vincent can survive a fall that high is anyones guess, not that anything about the Beasts has been consistent so far.
Another extremely confused aspect of this is the contrast between Beast Gabe and Beast Vincent. The entire reason Vincent is in hiding is because he has no control over his Beast side and mutations but then the episode still tries to make a big deal out of the fact that Gabe is completely out of control when he monsters out when in reality it really isn't that big a leap from where Vincent is at right now and since we can only assume he is declining thanks to the mutations I'm pretty sure him and Gabe will be at the same place soon enough. So yeah, I found this all very hard to swallow, especially when they suggest using their 'differences' to compliment one another.
We once again get some surprisingly fun fight sequences, although the fight with the drugs goons doesn't feel quite as stylish or polished as fights in earlier episodes (although the rematch was deliciously intense), the attack on JT was impressively staged and really very well done. Plus I'll always love seeing Vincent smash people to pieces while Cat uses her NYPD Ninja skills. It's just a shame we didn't get a full beast on beast clash.

- In themselves Cat and Vincent's concerns for the future aren't bad at all.
- Great action sequences.
- I really disliked both Cat and Vincent in this episode, especially Vincent.
- Weak writing.
- Poor pacing.
- Shitty plotting.
- No beast on beast action?!
Think About It!
Don't worry, I AM a chick and DO find Vincent hot(generally speaking anyway), but it still isn't enough to allow me to over look his inordinately high ranking on the douchebag meter.
And could they maybe give us one episode where Vincent doesn't outright lie to the woman he supposedly loves? But oh wait... he lies 'to protect her' and 'for her own good' so it's fine. That's right, I must have forgotten...
He seriously is creepily controlling and possessive, always sure he knows better than Cat and throws a tantrum when she calls out his bullshit. We're supposed to believe these two are madly in love yet they lack the most basic of communication even I was able to find in my artificial 'romances' as a teenager.
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