So after an overstuffed lead up episode, will the finale also be a rushed mess or a epic send off to a largely, pretty weak, season? Let's find out...
Crowley has now become the third trial. Cas is about to start his second trial, this time he has to retrieve Cupid's bow. However all is not as it seems with either trial and surprisingly, that is really all there is to Sacrifice.
Perhaps one of the most impressive things about Sacrifice is its ability to feel rushed, even when not a whole lot is happening. I mean a lot is happening, Sam is curing Crowley while Metatron is revealing his hand and there is all this other stuff packed around and between these two main points but the problem is is each scene feels like it goes on much longer than necessary, with each moment feeling painfully drawn out and slow which gives the feeling as if nothing is happening.

Hats off to Mark Sheppard in this episode, it takes a damn while for it to get there but once Crowley's humanity starts slipping through he really acts his chops off. Sadly however I was a tad frustrated with this whole aspect, I know they need to cure a demon to complete the trails and then all demons go away blahblah but nothing has been going to plan at this point and they had the perfect opportunity to at least finish off Crowley once and for all, so they at least had that even if everything else went pear shaped, which of course it eventually did. The way Supernatural clings to fan favourites like Sheppard and Collins actually ends up undermining their own mythos and story, all the damage Crowley has done really is on the brothers because they have had ample opportunities to kill him off by this point but the writers always give him a chance to escape. Although I did like that it gives an excuse for Abaddon to turn up and be badarse, with hints that she might be the big bad next season, squee!

However really the biggest problem perhaps with Sacrifice is that Season Eight wasted so much time on stuff that ultimately doesn't matter, the stuff that does matter actually has no evidence to prove that it well...does. Like for example why does closing the gates of Hell mean Sam and Dean will win? And for that matter, win what? Demons make up just one of many threats out there and although Demons have been perhaps the most regular threat, they are easily replaced, so is it really worth dying to remove just one type of monster out of millions? Maybe it is but the episode, or the season as a whole, does nothing to convince as to why it would be worth it despite spending so much time on the trials which ultimately went nowhere.

Sacrifice was more an emotion packed finale, than really an action packed one. The biggest problem with this however is how little new the ground they are treading is. It certainly wasn't bad but I think Sacrifice manages to embody pretty much every problem Supernatural has since around season five and onwards. Disappointing but not surprisingly so.
- The acting.
- Abaddon.
- Big emotions.
- The pacing.
- Important stuff happens off screen, a frankly consistent problem with this show.
- You chuck away Abaddon's gorgeous vessel but are happy to bend your show to breaking point to keep Sheppard and Collins in it, what the fuck?
- Continually muddled mythology.
- So why was shutting the Gates of Hell a big deal again?
- A bit possessive there Sam...
- A bit of a dick there Dean...
Think About It!
Hey Locke, I've just watched the final episode (I know I'm really late :D) and got a question:
Why did Metatron want angels fall to the earth? I couldn't understand that part.
Did he want angels protect humans as how Metatron writed that to tablets?
Was he angry the angels because they didn't let him enter heaven so he punished them by make them fall? I mean, was this a punishment or forcing them to do how it was writed? If you can enlight me about this problem, I'll really be appreciated.
About the episode, I think if we don't care the old episodes, it was awesome. You are right about the incoherence between the season and season 8 episodes itselfs. I think they wasted so many episodes(guess writers changed so many time).
But I liked the end, I mean I wasn't expecting that. Problem is, how will it continue? They have to suprise us again in the beginning of season 9 and that will probably be incoherent as well as that season. You got me? They can manage that but I don't think so. They could use basic elements of show for a finale, but they choosed the hard way. This is good but "not for them" :D
As far as I could tell, the falling angels was basically Metatron throwing a massive tantrum. That is it.
I guess if you just soak in the moment and remove all things from around it you can appreciate the finale but I wasn't a fan.
And honestly at the end of Season 7 the set up for Purgatory was so exciting and it turned out to be utter rubbish, so I basically have no hope for season 9, honestly I'm not sure I'll even watch it.
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