Since I rarely do reviews any more I may as well make every review I do something worthwhile and considering this del Toro picture is out right now, what better? Wait, that is Pacific Rim? Oh...

Atlantic Rim tells the deliberately corny and ridiculously badass story of a search and rescue mission for a missing oil rig that explodes into an all out mech and monster brawl, with the beautiful people of the East Coast of America in direct danger. And just when it seems like the day is won, we find out that it is just beginning... Oh and of course, with two men and one woman there is a love triangle, gotta have one of them these days!

It doesn't help that the pacing is terrible. I won't complain about a film moving swiftly but it manages to find that surreal Twilight pacing where nothing is really happening but it all feels like it's going by too fast anyway. Almost as if the more important a moment, the less time it actually gets to spend on screen. I guess they wanted to draw the non plot related and non special effects sequences out for all they're worth to cut down costs, maybe it worked for that purpose but not so much in a viewing sense, especially as the film does nothing to make us care about the characters.
Also, although the dialogue functions fine in the action and jokes, it's pretty terrible elsewhere. The tender, softer moments are laughable and I'm pretty sure that is not intentional and whenever it comes to exposition it's about as subtle as a steel toe cap to the nuts. It's very clunky and with the bad pacing as well there are quite a few moments that really pull you right out of the film.
It's a shame as well because from a narrative standpoint this is actually surprisingly good, the film seems to recognise how stupid this genre is but approaches all the clichés with such passion and gusto it's just awesome. I mean don't get me wrong it isn't a parody or anything, but films like this can't be played too straight, it just doesn't work and by recognising and having fun with all the clichés of the genre both allows the film to function but also makes it a lot of fun to watch as well.

Also, that isn't to say there aren't some cool attacks, weapons, gadgets, special moves and so on but obviously as Power Rangers translates mech battles to dudes in cardboard fighting on a model trainset, it gives a freedom of movement and an excess of cash that a low budget film just cannot replicate with CGI. So I guess the question is quality or quantity, because I'd honestly say the quality is better here there is just less of it, a lot less.
What certainly is in the films favour is it goes places that Power Rangers never could as well. In many senses the battle isn't the main course, it's the aftermath as buildings lay toppled and burning and bodies litter the streets, leaving the protagonists to revel in their victory while the side characters contemplate the horror of the cost. Oh what you expect the protagonists to care about the dead? The token black one does, but don't expect anything like that from the others. I told you, the central three are dicks.
It's a cold harsh reality of what it'd really be like if two titans had a brawl in a city. It may take the fun out of it a little but what it removes in fun it adds in respect because it's clear that the film is taking this aspect very seriously. I know that won't be for everyone, and I can perfectly understand why, but I appreciated it all the same. And I mean all this on the level the film is at, don't take away from this that this is some kind of deep, meaningful anti-war film, it's still about as deep as a sheet of paper but there is certainly more care and effort gone into this than your usual Z-Grade cinema fare.

So do I recommend it? Overall Atlantic Rim is not a good film but I also think that for brief moments it transcends beyond its own inherent limitations and does something great. If you can appreciate low budget films with unlikeable characters then I think Atlantic Rim isn't without something to offer but I certainly don't recommend this in the general sense. Disappointing, honestly.
Think About It!
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