Tuesday 3 July 2012

Blog Update.

When was the last time I did one of these?! Anyway, information after the jump.

This blog is now serious business. Okay, not completely. The reviews are going to stay with their usual balance between rant, humour and review I just hope my writing continues to improve as it has done. My writing has improved a lot since I started this, as has my passion for it. And although I have made changes, visually, I want to start making actual changes, I want to stop just reviewing random things on this blog especially since I get a good solid readership on each review these days, it would appear the world is paying attention. Although if you read, do drop a comment, my blog looks so empty!

So I will in the coming weeks, have a massive clearout of a lot of the stuff I wrote - especially in the first year or so as it is for the most part utter garbage and some aren't even reviews of anything so that can go. I'm also going to go through and rename everything to make things easier to search for.

Any show or move I class as obscure will be renamed to 'Obscure Opinions: [insert movie title here]'
There isn't a fixed name for TV shows or Short Films but they will probably go under the name '60 Minutes or Less'
And I haven't got a name planned yet at all for the more mainstream movies or for games or music but I'll get to those when the time comes.

This isn't just for navigation purposes either, I want to start taking this blog more seriously so having these different segments/columns gives the blog a more official feel rather than just being a random collection of reviews I've actually got a series of columns I'll update under the 'Think About It!' banner.

Also if anyone would like to guest blog submit stuff to the page, that'd be awesome, I could build up a team, I can't really pay you but it's a great way to show the world your talent. And if you have any questions/criticisms/comments don't hurt to ask.


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