Tuesday 3 July 2012

[Sixty Minutes Or Less] Bedlam: S02E04 - Jude.

Sorry this is late again, to be honest, I was putting this off... explained after the jump. Enjoy!

Season One had its flaws, but overall it was still enjoyable. Season 2 however has basically been a train wreck without any rubber necking enjoyment. And really, this episode is the most crucial one because we're beyond the point of no return now, if this episode sucks then it's very unlikely it'll be able to save itself in the last two episodes since episode five will probably be dedicating to setting everything up for the finale in episode six. And I'd be pretty disheartened if a show I like actually got a second season, rather than just getting cancelled for once and then it turned out to suck anyway. So did this episode save the season? Nope! Spoilers!

The episode opens with two brothers moving in to Bedlam Heights. Jude is the younger one and is a bit of an odd one, he doesn't speak but likes throwing things at people and wandering off which is apparently a reaction to his Mum's death or something. Scott is the older one and I did think it was Jude's Dad at first. Jude gets possessed, great our ghost of the week is a little boy... Eventually Scott just believes his younger brother is haunted, because you know, there is no more rational explanations for his behavioural problems than that! And joins Max and Ellie to take it down.

Jude is given the classic Bedlam powers of pissing around with electronics, flickering lights, making electronics work without plugging them in, making toy versions of electronics work and making the kid speak languages he doesn't know. You remember in the first two episodes when the ghosts were threatening? I miss those days. To be fair, the kids powers do escalate and he eventually starts to wield lightning, which is pretty fucking awesome but it isn't really used, I mean couln't he have just chucked one bolt? That would have been awesome! The powers are at least in part explained away this week as the ghost of the week died of ECT experiments, so although it's never said, I guess that implies why the kid has control of electronics and can make them work without power sources..I guess. Doesn't explain why every other ghost and their mother can too, though.

The ghost itself is named Robert, who died in 1958 at the age of nine when Bedlam Heights was still a mental hospital. He died because of his brother and is trying to kill Jude's brother as a surrogate. Hey at least this week there is coherence, unlike last week... Plus I must say I did rather like the plot that Robert basically takes control of Jude because he believes Jude is unloved by his Big Brother and leaves as soon as Scott shows his love for Jude. It was a pretty beautiful story.

Warren is still obsessed with finding Kate to the point where it seems a little creepy and he is still having visions and teleporting around the building. They do appear to now be getting more aggressive as he is actively passing out, rather than just having these visions when going to sleep. There is also still the plotline of Dan trying to take over the business and ruin Warren's life, because he'a a huge dick like that. You guys ready for a huge pointless plot twist? Because this episode has one! 

It's so weird that a show has ongoing themes of people in baths, shitty ghost powers and incestuous undertones. But then again, with some of the stupidity we saw last week, this kind of weird shit being the first thing that springs to the writers minds doesn't really surprise me.

I think the most unintentionally funny thing is this new love triangle around Ellie, if you want a female character all the boys fight over, don't cast Lacey Turner in the role. I just can't believe anyone would dare hit that raw. It was your funeral from the start, mate.

It was a definite improvement over the last episode, but that isn't saying much, Unfaithful is easily the worst episode of Bedlam yet, including the episodes in the first season too. But it was basically an episode made up entirely of its own clichés and weaknesses, as if parodying itself, which could have worked if it wasn't taking itself so seriously but because it is, it doesn't work and my faith in this season has been lost.


  • Robert, the nice protective ghost that can wield lightning. Fuck yeah.
  • Bad writing to the point of self parody. 
  • Pointless plot twists. 
  • Weird on going themes.
  • Unbelievable love triangle.

Think About It!


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