Thursday 12 July 2012

Blog Update.

I don't post a lot of these, but I feel the need too this time, so more info after the jump.

Basically, last night, my 360 did this. And the thing is like six years old, only ever had the HD replaced and basically said 'fuck you' to everyone who said that 360's wouldn't last a week. So I'm proud of my baby for that but that does also mean that I have lost both my laptop and my 360 in the same week - just a few days apart, which has a direct impact on this blog.

Like the BioShock 2 review, which is sitting in my drafts as a heap of notes, may never come to fruition now, because after forking out £200 almost for my laptop screen, I haven't got another near £300 for a console. I had no idea they were still so expensive, if I'm gonna be honest, when I looked on Amazon it made me feel a little sick. It could be quite possible it could be years until I can afford a console again, which is quite the scary thought, since having my friends over for 360 and beers was basically a tradition.

So that means for the next week or so this blog will be completely dead unless I review the book I am reading but yeah... I know this isn't exactly new, but this is frustratingly out of my hands. It's as if the Universe has turned against me lately, starting with losing that Teen Wolf review...

So yeah next week Teen Wolf and Bedlam will be back, hopefully with no magic deletions but they'll be so late I may as well review two episodes at once for each - which is what I might do. And the BioShock 2 review has an uncertain future, as does any game right now. And I will probably review a movie too, to give a steady string of content once I'm back but sigh, this is gonna be a long week.

Think About It!


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