Wednesday 25 July 2012

Teen Wolf: S02E09 - 'Party Guessed'.

Finally caught up again. Enjoy! Will probably get a movie review out at some point after this too, wow content overload!

Opening with Lydia in the shower...I guess that is a good place to start...basically she is going through the same story as when Sam's wall fell down in Supernatural. The dream sequences are very imaginative though, much better than the ones in Supernatural. Although if this is all in her head, how is Peter Hale telling her things she can't possibly know herself? Either way, Peter Hale is baaaack!

Anyway, last weeks episode was great and so far this one has been too, so let's waste some time, party! Oh well, at least Stiles made it funny by inviting all the gay people and transvestites from the other episode. This will be about the only break you get in this heavy episode. And just God, I don't really care much for Lydia as a character but I just feel so sorry for her, my heart breaks. Oh also there is some kind of hallucinogenic supernatural punch or some shit...this does lead to a badass dream version of Allison, I hope that is who Allison grows up to be - maybe in the next season or something because losing Kate and her mother... and an absolutely incredible exchange between Stiles and his Dad, if only it was real! I was in tears.

Gerard and Chris contemplate killing Allison's scary mother leading to her apparent suicide and I was impressed by the subtly to which this is all handled, I guess due to personal experience I was impressed how powerful it was as Allison just shrugs her mother off, unaware she is dying and it isn't played up into melodrama like this show often does with things like this. Although if she is a werewolf now, how is she killed by a knife?

Derek and Scott discuss the Kanima, with Derek claiming he's seen nothing like this and basically admitting they can't stop it with the coming 'Worm Moon' that will make him even stronger. I really like Derek as a father figure. Although once again there is the whole discussion of the incredible werewolf power...what incredible werewolf power? Where? Can I have some? And why does he put a headband on Erica if no one else needs it? Just because she can take it? So? Well it all goes wrong, surprise surprise, does anything go right for these characters? It's like bloody Eastenders all over again.

We get some more great scenes between Stiles and his father and the whole unravelling of the mystery of the Master is well paced. It would seem everything is centred around water, the Kanima was possibly drowned? Everyone it has killed have been associated with the swim team and it never dared to get in the water.

I was really impressed with the sort of twist with Matt turning out to be some creepy stalker guy, I mean they alluded to it throughout the season but it was always played for laughs and shrugged off and then suddenly we get this scene where he is genuinely quite frightening. Could he be the Kanima's master after all? I'm not sure if that was real or because of the crazy punch. And if it is him? What was that all about with him being murdered and stuff? Although if he does become a major player, I need to find a Kamen Rider pun in here somewhere...

Considering most of the episode was taken up with the party, it was nice we still got a decent action sequence as Derek must fight off Erica and Boyd as they've broken out of their shackles and the fullmoon has sent them into a bloodlust.

I did like that with so much of this season being centred around the Kanima that we get some werewolf bits in this episode, I mean hell the show has been called Teen Wolf. With three new betas added this season I think they really wasted the opportunity to show the experience through three different peoples eyes, Derek and Scott are like polar opposites in how they control their power but the three new betas are barely characters, Erica is the sexy one we are meant to feel sorry for, Isaac is the white one we are meant to feel sorry for and Boyd is the black one we are meant to feel sorry for. The whole anchor thing added this episode is about the only character development Isaac has had since the show began.

Man this was some heavy ass episode, I mean that isn't really a complaint but Teen Wolf is normally all melodrama, comedy and bad action but this was such a serious...powerful episode. Holy shit Teen Wolf is picking up!


  • Just how genuinely serious this whole episode was, I mean damn...
  • I really dig Derek as a character, even if he seems so incredibly weak considering where he started in season one and he was supposed to be the Alpha up until this point!
  • The visions the punch creates, badass Allison, the exchange between Stiles and his Dad, hell Colton Haynes and Crystal Reed bumping and grindin' - yeah!
  • Decent action.
  • The fact that at least one of the betas got some development this week.
  • Opening with Lydia in the shower.
  • Did we really need to spend the whole episode at the party? I mean I know psycho punch and stuff but God...
  • Once again with the werewolf powers crap and then not following through.
  • This show is becoming as predictable as it is convoluted.
  • Missed opportunities - but this is more the season as a whole.

Think About It!


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