Wednesday 25 July 2012

Teen Wolf: S02E08 - 'Raving'.

Moving swiftly on, episode eight 'raving', enjoy!
So I didn't mention it as I didn't think it would be important (this seems to happen a lot with this series) but there is some kind of underground rave going on and the Kanima is going because...he loves parties? First the gay club, now this. Apparently this is where both Derek and his pack and the Argent's plan to take down the Kanima and they all fail miserably. Awesome.

I did really enjoy the scene of Stiles and his father working the case together, they don't get much screen time together and that is a shame because they have great chemistry (if that is the right word for family?). I actually burst into tears at the well written exchange between Stiles and his father, when his father got fired because of him - just incredible chemistry and dialogue and To Build a Home playing in the background? Tear fuel.

We also get more evidence for the chemistry teacher being the Master, who apparently hasn't aged in almost a decade but it would actually appear the Kanima is being controlled by a...ghost? Or is it implying the Kanima is a ghost itself? What the fuck is going on?

We learn more about Allison's father and stuff, but he puts on this whole scary routine and Allison shrinks away from him and I know everyone's scared of their father etc etc but so far, in the show, Allison has kicked more ass than her Dad has, as far as I can remember all her Dad has gotten is his own arse kicked. So when he's talking about how knowledge is power and not everyone can defend themselves and so on I just don't buy his hardened hunter routine, we've never seen him do anything of value - I'd love to see him last five minutes against the Winchester's. Hell the vet is a better hunter with his supernatural barrier ash, hell even his wife holds her own better than him and she at least scares me. This is just like Derek and his pack, we're supposed to believe they are all badass and powerful, while they get their arses kicked repeatedly. That said, I love Derek and Scott's chemistry, the way Derek is this asshole to everyone but Scott still bosses him around. Oh and I hate Isaac, smug, ugly prick.

So the vet is back for this episode - guess they forget about him for a bit. And they still won't explain why he knows so much. He suggests the idea that Derek and his pack are indeed hunting two different people, since the Kanima can't swim but Jackson is the captain of the swim team (since when?) and that the Master can be hurt by the same things as the Kanima or something. Oh also the guidance counsellor is somehow connected to all this too. I really want to make a joke, but I fear people will only take it as racism..

The chemistry between Scott and Allison is still perfect but I kind of want to see them break up after what happens in this episode. Not that I want them to break up but I just want to see them act it out, see it, feel it like I feel their romance because these two just blow me away.

The action is masterfully directed in this episode, the balance of the bass of the party, Stiles baggage, Allison and Scott falling out, werewolves, hunters, a Kanima, badass lines, Erica being truly insane levels of sexy, Allison's scary but strangely sexy Mum, just everything, then Scott calls out and Derek rushes to save him and my heart flutters! - even Stiles gets his moment! About 3/4 of the way into the episode, everything just explodes and it is awesome! So, fucking awesome. And all this with the promise of an even bigger bad on the way! I love this show! How many fucking exclamation marks can I put in one paragraph? This was the only way I could avoid writing the whole thing in excited caps.

Were those werewolf bites or human bites on Allison's Mum? I mean I know it's seemingly obvious but she's been shown to be completely nuts, so I wouldn't put it past her to bite herself to frame Scott so Chris and Gerard go after him, they appear to be just looking for an excuse.

Episodes like this, remind me why I love Teen Wolf so much, the brilliant balance of emotions, action and the characters and their chemistry, it's well written, directed, edited and shot and just reminds you that when Teen Wolf is good, my God is it good.


  • Basically the entire episode, especially the last fifteen or so minutes where everything just explodes.
  • The characters, their chemistry. The show does have a tendency to drift into melodrama at times, but it just seems to always nail it when it wants to hit raw, powerful emotions whether they be happy or sad ones.
  • Erica and her extreme levels of sex appeal.
  • The promise of even bigger baddies to come!
  • The Kanima is still confusing as shit.
  • As much as I like the characters, I think the show does a poor job of letting the characters live up to their legacies. Derek has practically become a joke and I'm not sure Chris was ever threatening above the whole scary Dad thing and these are meant to be like our biggest badasses in the show.
  • Still not telling us anything about the bloody vet!
  • I guess I would have liked more from Erica, her becoming a werewolf has been perfect for her so far - so after she had an epileptic fit (for whatever reason, because she doesn't have one in this episode when inflicted with the venom, but whatever) and almost died, it'd've been nice to see some reaction from her learning that there are dangers that come with being a werewolf and that she is being immature about it and she has to face reality. But whatever.

Think About It!


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