Sorry this is slightly late, guys, got so wrapped up in reviewing movies! Anyways, without further ado, 'Fury', enjoy!
The second core aspect to the episode is Scott and Stiles with Stiles' Dad trying to get a case together to prove what they already know, Matt is the master or as far as Stiles' Dad knows, the killer. However just as everything seems to be coming together, Matt appears brandishing a gun and takes the three hostage. He uses the gun to hold the werewolf hostage and sends the Kanima after the human policemen...logic?
Can we just talk about Allison for a minute? She is possibly my favourite character on the show. I just love what they've done with her character. She starts seemingly as just a tacked on love interest and then this season has formed her into a complete badass. She loses her mother, throws her girly things away and loads up her crossbow, leading the Argent men into battle like a true war general. I wish all female characters were treated with this same level of respect. Plus the whole dead mother plot is kind of close to home for me, I lost my Mum around the same age as Allison did so I did find myself with a wobbly lip at times and it only made me feel closer to her as a character. Although I am not sure how much is her and how much is Gerard's manipulation, who seems to be the man holding all the strings, making the puppets dance before him.
You know, now I've noticed it, I just can't unnotice it. Teen Wolf has some awful acting, the central cast all have such perfect chemistry that it works but support characters like Gerard...I mean Michael Hogan is a really good actor but he just hams up every scene in this for some reason. Every scene he is in I just cringe. Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (look okay the Kanima is a lizard it sort of works, dammit this isn't even a joke it's just a reference...) Matt puts on a pretty bad performance as well he seems to forget we are in a drama and instead seems to think we are in an opera, I think if he'd overact any harder he may go nuclear.
- The chemistry between the central cast. Incredible.
- Those last ten minutes, I'm still reeling.
- Sort of giving us an explanation for the vet.
- Matt is a shit character, boohoo you almost drowned, I almost got run over once but I didn't send a supernatural creature out for vengeance you big baby.
- Hogan, please leave your ham in your lunch.
- Terrible pacing.
Think About It!
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