Friday 16 November 2012

Beauty and the Beast: S01E06 - Worth.

Just as a brief opener that is nothing to do with what I'm about to review: Breaking Dawn Part 2 is good...really, really fucking good. As it's basically one long climax, I chose not to review it largely because it'll be one, long, gigantic spoiler but I do want to make one comment, I'll try to be as spoiler free as I can. The ending of Part 2, isn't a cop out...I mean it is but not quite as much as one as many critics would lead you to believe. What happens in the 'dream sequence', firstly isn't a dream...that could have all happened but secondly that was basically the only way Breaking Dawn 2 could have done...what it does, a Hollywood film just couldn't end the way that alternative timeline did, so you should be fucking grateful we got two crowd pleasing endings in one. Anyway, Beauty and the Beast!
This weeks case involves a dead artist who has been shot in the back, seemingly killed over money, love and fraud - only this fraud, this fraud has nothing to do with paintings. It's a well written story but I mean...what is the plot of this show? You know I've complained in the past that the cases have tentative links to the central plot, but does this show even have a plot? I mean there are lots of plotpoints but all of them just kinda float about, not doing anything. I don't really know why I never noticed before that this show is largely plotless, but it is, it's basically pointless.

Apparently Vincent's jealousy over Evan and Cat is the reason he woke up on the Brooklyn Bridge the night beforehand. Something to do with the adrenaline it releases, it awakes the monster half of him. Oh and there is some crap about Cat's Dad remarrying or something to some kind of lying whore bag, I don't know, plot and stuff.

One of the most confusing things about both Worth and the series in general, is that Evan and Cat get much more development and screen time than her and Vincent do. Hell if it wasn't called Beauty and the Beast, I'd just assume her and Vincent weren't getting together. Man this show just really hates Vincent, doesn't it? I mean their like two minutes of romance at the end of every episode is charming but none of this is going anywhere, except in circles.

The biggest problem with the show is that it is just so fucking slow, it has no plot and no pace, it's just a load of padding. I won't say it's boring as such as we have a central case each week to distract us, but we're six episodes into the series now, that would be half way through for a Teen Wolf season and I just feel like nothing has really moved or developed yet. I know everything is stretched out on a TV show to last the twenty two episodes but come on guys, this is just fucking ridiculous, something happen already! You could argue it's just about a woman falling in love with a monster, but this is given such little screentime to develop, has gone in so many circles now, I'm not sure it even still counts. There is no overarching plot, nothing really driving the show, there is no point or purpose to any of this. Generally no matter what happens at the end of every episode, the show seems to always find some shitty plot point to send us right back to the start again and it's just getting frustrating now.

Beauty and the Beast has got the full season pick up, I can see why, it's an entertaining show. But my biggest problem with it, is why am I watching this? The show gives me practically no reason to watch it. I mean a lot of people do, the ratings are huge but why are we all watching this? That is a question I can't really answer and that is a pretty big problem. I enjoy this show, please don't misunderstand me, but it just seems to be losing a little more purpose and point with each episode, I honestly don't see how this can continue for a whole season.


  • Good case of the week.
  • It's entertaining, don't get me wrong.
  • This show is so pointless, something happen!
  • Why won't you let Cat and Vincent be together? Does anyone care about Evan? I assumed Evan would be the dude Cat dumps on while drooling over Vincent, you know like Jake was in Twilight, while Bella drooled over Edward? Well so far Cat and Evan's relationship has had more development than the Beauty and The Beast of the fucking title. 
  • Why are we watching this? Give us a reason!
  • How could this possibly last 22 episodes? 

Think About It!


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