To many this is regarded as the low-point of the series (although still pretty entertaining) and I'm about to go find out just how bad it is. Enjoy!
Firstly Full Moon, you do realise you're making movies, not TV shows, right? I don't need you to recap the second movie for me. I mean you're shooting these back to back, for fucks sake. And if this is made for people who haven't seen the others, then why pander to them? They are making you lose money, make those lazy fucks go see them! And yes, I know I'm watching these films a few days apart but so what, could you imagine if every sequel to anything ever wasted its first five minutes recapping the previous movie? I mean I understand this practice in TV shows, half way through a season you've already had around 10 hours of viewing, that is a lot to remember, but this is just ridiculous here, it isn't like Bloodstone was particularly plot heavy, hey basically half of that was a recap of the previous film anyway, so this is just pointless and annoying.
Bloodlust is largely one long reaction to the events of Bloodstone. Becky goes to the police for help while waiting for the sun to go down. Michelle begins to succumb to her bloodlust (name drop!) and is forced to let go of her mortality to protect her sister, who is stupidly directly challenging Radu and his mother along with the rest of the human gang. Really that is basically where coherence ends, it is by no means a complicated movie but the sheer number of contradictions, inconsistencies and general stupidity make it very hard to sum anything up. Our movie ends on a fittingly stupid note with Radu burning in the sun, despite the same film telling us he could fly, so he basically just stands there and lets the sun burn him, just awesome. Oh and we get a new character, CIA Bob - who basically climbs a wall, says 'hands up granny' and then dies. Oh Bob, we barely knew you.

Much like in Bloodstone, the film only really gets good when it's exploring vampires and although the film can drag a lot, whenever it brings vampires into central focus, it's always extremely enjoyable. I complained about the focus on Radu in the original film but honestly, I don't care about anything other than Michelle and Radu any more, it's always a shame when the movie goes back to its human characters. Although vampires are incredibly common in pop culture, they have been really since the revival in the 80s, it's still no less entertaining to see all the mythology explored. And since these films don't really have much in the way of time skips, we're seeing Michelle's transformation and acceptance of what she is in a sequential fashion, this gives us a kind of personal connection we don't often have. There is normally the present where they can control it and the past when they didn't but very little of the in between, that in between is what makes Subspecies so interesting. It looks great too, I mean a lot of these things are clearly done for budget limitations but it in turn gives the film a really cool sense of style. The scene where Radu teaches Michelle to use her super senses and teleporting powers, is fucking awesome. Much are the scenes that follow where she uses her new found abilities to hunt, it's surprisingly much more entertaining when Radu is on your side.

Oh also, Radu and Michelle have this whole Twilight thing going on now, for some reason, I mean he kills his mother for a girl who says 'I hate you' pretty much repeatedly. Their paceless, out of nowhere romance seems even crappier when stacked alongside Becky and Mel, whose relationship is impacted by events about them, it's paced, developed and built upon, so why is our central couple given such a rushed and out of nowhere treatment? And yes, I know the implications of the way Radu forces himself on Michelle are thematically terrifying in a more human way and I know the history of allegory between Dracula and rape. But I don't know, I've seen dark, social realist British Films about men who don't take no for an answer, who grow increasingly more violent and that is terrifying, the realism feel to it all is really a huge part of that. But here, Radu just drinks a bit of Michelle's blood, like I know that this is violating her too but it just doesn't have the same impact as supernatural things rarely do.

Going back to the whole superpower thing, other than from a narrative point...I can't say I really mind it. I mean as a 'reviewer' I have to point this crap out but I won't say it ever particularly bothered me. A lot of what the vampires can do in this series is practically rather pointless and doesn't make a whole lot of sense in terms of continuity but it just makes for some really great horror visuals, it isn't particularly scary sure, but it has such a classic, Hammer Horror feel but with a modern twist that despite all the inconsistencies Nicolaou did enough with it to still make it awesome. I just wish Nicolaou could write as well as he can stage things.

And once again, I leave you with comments about all the pointless nudity in the series: "I'm not just going to put this coat over the dress to hide the blood, I'm going to full on take the dress off, just to barely cover myself with the coat instead, aw yeah!" "Here Michelle, why don't you drink this girls blood? Look, I've flashed her boobs at you too, because that was totally necessary." Once again, I'm a man - boobs are boobs, but is this really necessary? Really? I'm still going with no.
So do I recommend it? You have no idea how many times I have rewritten this one paragraph. You see the problem is, when you're invested in something it's hard to separate actual criticisms from your own fanboy needs. I felt that due to the world building in the first two films, it needed a human angle, characters to learn about the world with us, to give us a sense of mystery and it lacked that. But by the third film, the world building is practically done. Now it's time to move along the story, to build on the characters and the humans have served their purpose. But the problem now is, the humans are still here. Radu is our central character, Michelle's transformation into a vampire is a central part of the plot but our human trio are largely inconsequential, weaving in and out of the plot when contrivances create such opportunities but largely adding nothing to the story and it just really makes the film drag. I mean sure they all have their own plots and motivations but most of them are largely unconnected and there is no real true overarching narrative to tie all these threads together. Plus once Bloodlust finally starts to shift its weight, it just draws your attention to what an awful writer Nicolaou is. Bloodlust collapses under the sheer amount of inconsistencies, this franchise has absolutely no grasp of continuity. I don't hate the film, it has its moments but wow this film is bad. I mean I know both Subspecies and Bloodstone were pretty dumb but the stupid is laid on so thick here that it actually begins to give you headaches. It's very hard to enjoy a film when the characters we follow aren't very nice. Just, urgh. I mean well done for finally picking up the pace, but it doesn't seem worth it with how rubbish it all turned out.
Think About It!
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