Taking a brief break from Subspecies to review the next issue of Earth 2, enjoy!
So, rather annoyingly, our issue actually starts as a sequel to the eighth issue of an entirely different comic series, way to be greedy, DC, if you think I'm going to go out and buy eight issues of something I don't actually care about just to understand this one scene, you're wrong, dead wrong. Either way Mr. Terrific arrives on Earth 2, jumping out of his cancelled series into a just starting out Wave 2 series, clever! And immediately gets his ass kicked by his white self, white power? So what, is the big difference that in Earth 2 superheroes consistently suck at doing their job? In all seriousness, this is really the first time we see the little details of Robinson's world, the TV screens, the airships...this is a world so very familiar but also so very alien, just a shame this doesn't have a better artist to show that off... But awesome on your part at least, Robinson.
Meanwhile back at the actual plot Garrick is trying to comprehend the fact that Mercury fell out of the sky. Look right, I know it's hard to comprehend it right because like we have guns...but if someone had a laser gun, we'd probably have our minds blown...that is a terrible simile but what I'm trying to say is I always struggle to wrap my head around the logic of people in comics. Garrick doesn't seem to quite believe Mercury is real at first but are God's that hard to swallow in a world where we have aliens, warrior princesses, wars across dimensions and grown men dressed up as bats? I mean I can't answer that but I'm just amazed anything surprises people in a world like that. Anyway, Mercury slowly begins to crack as he warns Garrick of a greater evil to come and passes on his powers to Garrick before dying. However, the moment is interrupted as the army arrive and Garrick runs for it, he quickly saves some people from rats and ends up in Poland...or Polish land..? Where Hawkgirl (I think?) is waiting for him. END SCENE.

Our New 52, Earth 2, Jay Garrick has his classic super speed but his costume is also now like a power in itself, since he sort of transforms Power Ranger style to get it on but wow...The Flash looks absolutely ridiculous. He looks like he's fallen off the set of a modern Bruce Campbell film. I mean the original Jay Garrick didn't have exactly the most elaborate of costumes, but it didn't look this fucking stupid. And I understand they are combining elements from all the Flash and Impulse costumes, but Flash Gordon called, he wants his costume back. Just awful, especially considering how great the Trinity looked last issue and they were only around for a few pages.

Nicola Scott's artwork isn't any better than in the original issue but there is a general upped flashiness this issue, which still managed to make it look quite nice and be quite thrilling despite her scruffy art. I really did like how she made the Flash's abilities look. Of course, that is helped by the inks by Trevor Scott to give the art real definition and Alex Sinclair and Pete Pantazis really do a great job bringing the whole thing to life with their colouring, it's just in general a much better looking issue than last weeks.

So do I recommend it? Minus the pointless Easter egg of Mr. Terrific fighting himself when he was white, stereotyped gay characters and an awful costume for the Flash, this was a solid follow up issue and a much better issue than last weeks but really, I suppose that ain't saying so much. Really not seeing what all the fuss is about, yet.
- I like the subtle changes to the world to set Earth 2 apart.
- The scene between Garrick and Mercury was awesome.
- The art is much better this issue.
- What was that Mr. Terrific bullshit about? They got a neo-nazi editor or something?
- Minus the Mercury scene, everything felt very rushed and abrupt, much like in the last issue.
- Wow the Flash's new costume is bad.
- Wow Alan and Sam are stereotyped.
Think About It!
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