Since the midweek TV clusterfuck is now over, let's take a look at another issue of Earth 2, before tackling another Subspecies sequel, enjoy! Also, I don't talk about covers often, I apologise for that, but this weeks cover...this weeks cover is truly, a thing of beauty. Just look at that, it's so...beautiful. Anyone doing a poster, or shirt or anything with that on? I need it and yes I know this sounds really sarcastic, but for once I'm 100% serious.
This weeks issue is largely made up of two parts, one good half (the stuff dealing with Alan Scott's transformation into Green Lantern) and the bad half (all the crap with Flash and Hawkgirl) and since we'e yet to connect the halves, none of this is really working as a whole yet... Then again I suppose I could be biased, I absolutely love the Earth One space Lantern's (Hal Jordan is my favourite superhero - I've wanted to be a Green Lantern my whole life, I'm just that sad) and was excited as hell to see what they do with the Magic Lantern of Earth Two.
The Green Lantern half opens as it means to go on...and by that I mean epically. Picking up after the train explosion, Alan is dragging himself from the wreckage, after taking some pretty heavy damage and losing his boyfriend, Sam, in the explosion. Then a big green bonfire appears and starts talking to him. Considering what has just happened to him...I suppose it isn't that's all in his head, right? - Alan thinks so, but nope! After a bit of rehashing of the whole 'there is a great evil coming to Earth or some crap' thing as the bonfire explains its back story and motivations Alan Scott gets his badass on, saying basically 'bring it' to any great evil on the way and thus his transformation into Green Lantern is complete with a truly awesome costume, unlike what the Flash got, and a vast improvement over his original costume. Alan Scott has truly fabulous taste to dream up a costume like that (I couldn't resist, I'm sorry - I do genuinely like the costume). His wedding ring that he was just about to propose with is forged into the conduit for his power (see: fucking awesome) and the scene ends with enough learned to be enjoyed but enough left open for further exploration down the line.

I do like that Robinson points out and admits the flaws with his own writing and then makes them plotpoints. When Alan sees the giant green bonfire, he questions the reality of it, knowing it's a little silly just like we, the audience, do. Well...I guess after a god gave a mortal man Flash Gordon's costume last issue, we might not question it so much any more but either way, you get my point. This gave a sense of reality to an otherwise goofy scene. And this continues throughout the issue with Alan asking the same questions we as an audience do, with all that power, why didn't it help during the war? He, and us with him, wonder and then Robinson gives us an answer, inside the issue itself.

And then our comic concludes with a second pretty epic beginning to Green Lantern's first villain, Grundy - ending a great issue on a high note, Earth Two has really hit its stride.

Overall, this is a pretty solid least where Green Lantern is concerned, I didn't really care much for anything else. About the only thing this issue lacked, is heart.
- I'm pretty sure I'm going to love Earth Two Green Lantern, if this issue is anything to go by.
- I love how Robinson admits his own flaws and makes them something of them.
- I'm looking forward to see how Jay and Alan will play off of one another.
- The new villain looks pretty epic.
- Considering how violently Alan's boyfriend died just moments before...I really wasn't feeling it from him. I mean I get the fact the plot has to keep moving and Alan needs to be heroic or whatever but he just came across more like a sociopath.
- The Flash/Hawkgirl bits were a bit shit, really.
Think About It!
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