Friday 9 November 2012

Beauty and The Beast: S01E05 - Saturn Returns.

And so we come to the end of another midweek TV clusterfuck, I hope you've enjoyed! More Subspecies on the way, along with reviews of Earth 2, so stick around!
Oh baby, after a brief stock shot of the city, we get some shirtless Jay Ryan - yeah you do those push up clap things. This has been the best way to open an episode, since Teen Wolf opened its season. I'm going to end up with a reputation at this rate, aren't I? Not even mad.

The next scene is utterly bizarre, since it goes nowhere and is solved within the first half of the episode with no real repercussions. Basically Vincent gets caught using his superpowers on CCTV while trying to save the day and Cat has to make sure his face isn't captured by the footage, it isn't, so that is the end of that. Right, okay? Thanks for that? That was there because..?

It's also Catherine's birthday or some shit this week. She always has a party but not this year, this year, she has Vincent however her sister throws her a surprise party anyway and Cat spends the whole thing wishing Vincent was there. Little does she know, he was, sort least he arrived in time to see her kiss Evan. Drama!

Sadly, in the end though, Cat kissing Evan goes largely without repercussions. When she offers Vincent dinner, he agrees and doesn't even mention the kiss - it would have gone without a hitch if he hadn't blacked out. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, I don't really know myself, Vincent started feeling ill or some shit this episode, they don't really explain it or make a thing of it until the end. I'm only forgiving this because a new mystery I'm guessing around Vincent's powers excites me for the future of this show, as long as CW doesn't cancel it.

At least there is a slightly heavier emphasis on romance this week, you can't really help but smile when Cat and Vincent share scenes and although there was the whole bouncing crap they've done every week with these two super into one another and then Vincent learns something and pushes her away they at least didn't end up where they started again this week. Plus the kiss with Evan introduced some actual conflict for their relationship for once, rather than Vincent just being a pussy. Either way, this show sure loves kicking Vincent in the nuts.

Today's case involves Cat connecting the way Vincent lives his life to the oddly impersonal apartment of a couple and a seeming missing persons, realising that the woman missing, has been on the run this whole time because she is in witness protection and upon this realisation, it all begins to escalate.

Just a question on this weeks case, as I'm not a cop so I don't know, but you can really just take evidence out of a guys house? I mean I know he let them in and all but this isn't a crime scene, there is no documentation of a crime happening there. Don't you need like a warrant or shit to take stuff out? I'm pretty sure it's illegal and illegally removed stuff will make the case fall apart before it even gets to court, surely? I mean I know it turns out to be a lot more than what they go into the apartment for, but they don't know that at the time they lift things from the apartment. Then again, Catherine has shown throughout the series that she is one of the worst detectives in TV history, so whatever.

Since they actually manage to tie the case into things...sorta, we have to of course ruin it with pointless padding involving some crappy subplot about JT. Just awesome, can't you for once have a well written episode? You were doing so well. Okay in seriousness when JT isn't acting like Vincent's Mum (I mean JT isn't actually wrong but it doesn't make his nagging any less annoying) these two are quite fun to watch together and I got a few laughs out of this subplot and it does sort of tie into the main relationship between Cat and Vincent.

We once again get some pretty solid action, it looked pretty fucking cool when Vincent just wanders in and throws a armed mugger across the room even if it had nothing to do with anything. And the fight Cat has with the baddie of the week is surprisingly visceral as Cat is literally attacked with a lamp and then the two proceed to smash each other around a hotel room. It never gets old to see little girl like Cat beating up grown men three times her size.

Aside from the endless ping-ponging of Cat and Vincent, this was a really solid episode and I really enjoyed it. It even squeezed a fair few laughs out of me as well, which I assure you is not an easy thing to do. Although this had just as many strands as other episodes have, I think they really managed to wrap them into a pretty little bow this week, rather than a fragmented mess like other weeks. Last week was a real dip in quality, but I think this episode marks the show back on form. Please don't cancel this!


  • Shirtless Jay Ryan, I may not be gay but I can appreciate a body like that. 
  • A more romance heavy focus.
  • The possibility on more focus on Vincent's abilities in the future.
  • All the plot threads actually connect this week.
  • The cast have pretty solid chemistry. 
  • Good action again. 
  • What the hell was the point of the whole 'oh no Vincent got caught on CCTV' crap about?
  • Just let Cat and Vincent happen, damnit! 
  • This show can be really fucking stupid at times.

Think About It!


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