And so the midweek TV clusterfuck, continues!
Southern Comfort also gives us an extra treat with a new monster - a spectre. Spectre's appear when their graves are desecrated A spectre is different from a ghost because it possesses you to act on your feelings. I say different lightly because minus the green goo it drops everywhere and some aesthetic differences, there really isn't a whole lot that sets spectres apart from normal ghosts, you don't even have to gank it in any unique way. The spectres back story involves two brothers fighting on either side of a war, so of course it takes a liking to Dean with all the beef he has with Sam and Dean almost ends up killing him, but Garth of all people, saves the day.
And so we continue the adventures of Supernatural, Season 8: Childish Bitching. The funniest thing is both Sam and Dean are right about each other, they are basically doing exactly the same thing wrong but one for a human and one for a monster. Hey at least they use the spectre to really make things explosive for once.
Supernatural normally has pretty solid action...however this week is more goofy than anything else, it looked cheap, even for Supernatural. However it was still pretty cool to see Sam and Dean fight each other, physically that is, rather than just squabbling like they have for the whole season. I mean I don't deny that both of them have valid points but just give it a rest already guys.

- Good old monster of the week episodes.
- Yay Garth is back.
- It was pretty cool to see Sam and Dean actually wail on one another, rather than just bitching at each other this week.
- It's always nice to learn about the wider world of Supernatural, something that is kept oddly vague.
- Thanks for the new monster...but couldn't you have used something that isn't practically exactly like what we already have?
- Do Sam and Dean really need to squabble every season? Does the season not count until they've wasted half of it with Sam and Dean blowing raspberries at one another?
- Sam's flashbacks are so pointless, stop wasting time on them.
- Minus a bit of character development, this was basically a filler episode again.
Think About It!
This was a really fun episode of Supernatural to watch! I loved seeing Garth again and it was nice to see him take a stance between Sam and Dean. My coworkers at DISH are finally finishing catching up with season 7, so soon they will be able to watch this amazing season. Luckily for them, I have recorded every episode with my Hopper from DISH so that they can watch the entire season once they are finished, and I don’t have to worry about deleting anything else. I’m really excited to see what is going to happen between Sam and Benny the next time they see each other, especially after this episode!
Yeah it was a return to form after last weeks weak effort.
I think both Garth and Benny should just join the team and be in the show every week, the dynamic the four of them would have, would be awesome.
I feel sorry for those having to watch season 7, I'm so glad I never have to watch that again, haha.
I would say I'm excited for the future - but they still have the actual plot to get back too and that terrifies me.
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