Thursday 15 November 2012

Supernatural: S0807 - A Little Slice of Kevin.

Let another midweek TV clusterfuck, commence!
Today's episode finds the brothers on the trail of demons, who are snatching up the prophets of the future, eventually locking the Winchester's and Cas in a battle with Crowley, to save Kevin. Yeah, Cas is back. But first, the brothers must continue to rack up their body count! Cas eventually smashes the tablet in half, leaving Crowley with one piece that they must track down. And we close the episode with the suggestion that there is a lot more going on here, than previously would seem.

Hey so you remember how the last time we saw Kevin's mother, she had been possessed by the king of hell and almost got killed by Dean? Well it's probably for the best if you did forget that happened, because you may as well have, as she apparently has too. Character development, what show are you thinking of? This is Supernatural, silly!

We also get some more Purgatory this episode, namely that Dean is beating himself up, can't save everyone! blahblah Supernatural cliché and all along Cas wanted to stay behind in Purgatory because blahblah Supernatural cliché, these two should just fuck and get it over with already. This show is soppier than Beauty and the Beast and Vampire Diaries, combined. And hey, wanna know another Supernatural cliché they used? Apparently an 'incursion of angels' charged into Purgatory to save Castiel, do we see any of this? Nope! What show did you think you were watching? All the cool shit happens off screen, that is like the central rule to this show.

And okay, look, is Supernatural ever going to try and make sense of the whole vessel thing? It was stupid but the whole perception thing worked as an excuse when the brothers were in heaven as to why everything just looked like Earth. But why and how did Cas ride Jimmy into Purgatory, shouldn't that be more special than Dean arriving? And then when Cas arrives in heaven, he just goes in his vessel, to a very human office where another angel in a vessel is just chillin'? I thought these guys were as big as skyscrapers, with like lion heads? I don't understand any of this, none of this makes any sense, why do Supernatural's writers not pay attention to their own mythos? Fuck.

Either way the whole Dean escaping from Purgatory thing is truly and utterly how anti-climactic it is. Like all the slow motion in the world, doesn't change the fact that the 'epic' battle between leviathans and an angel was just a poorly choreographed fist fight, so much for all the 'I barely made it out of there' crap Dean was talking about, he just rolled down a hill - it wasn't even like a big fight, there were just two leviathan. Then again this was the show where what little we saw of an angel demon war largely amounted to small groups having clunky fist fights in warehouses. The production values of Supernatural are all over the place, it can look fantastic and truly awful all in the same episode.

Honestly...this review came out a lot more negative than I did coming out of the episode. A Little Slice of Kevin basically comes packaged as one massive Supernatural cliché, to the point where the show feels like it's slipping into a point of self parody. Everything I like about the series was here and everything I hate about the series was here too, the stuff I hate just leaves me with more constructive things to say. I loved Cas' Dragonball Z moment, for example but that hardly warrants a whole paragraph. Mark Sheppard is fantastic as Crowley, but that hardly warrants a whole paragraph either. Just know as far as actual plot moving episodes go, this was a surprisingly good one. And you know, I'll be honest, I'm actually quite enjoying this season, much more than I have the last three or so.


  • Castiel is awesome.
  • Mark Sheppard does a fantastic job as Crowley.
  • More going on than it would seem? That is always great.
  • Are the Winchester's still killing innocent people?
  • Character development, fuck that!
  • Is this show just a parody of itself now? Or have they really just run completely dry on new ideas? 
  • Vessels still make no fucking sense. 
  • Wow Dean's escape from Purgatory was anti-climactic.

Think About It!


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