Friday 4 January 2013

Confessions of a Laptop Gamer: Part One - 'The Cost'.

This is something a little different to normal, more like a column than a review and it is based on a series my friend Gavin started over on his blog. Hope you enjoy any way!
Although many may think the term 'PC Master Race' is just a harmless meme, it's hilarious how true it actually turns out to be. PC Gaming is a religion, with its own set of Gods and just as corrupted by humanity and greed.

I personally game on an Asus Laptop I picked up for £500 from Comet about two years ago and I can tell you now, my gaming experience has never been somehow lessened because I had to play my games on medium or low. A strong art design shines through whether you're on low or ultra. And honestly even higher powered PCs will stutter on ultra when the game requires pinpoint accuracy like an online FPS, I know people with top range rigs that still run on everything on medium any way, so what a fucking waste that £400 graphics card was.

There was a time where photorealism wasn't even a possibility, I think a lot of people really forget that and most importantly in the range of things that really matter in gaming, graphics is one of the lowest, no matter what any oily, sweaty palmed thirty something still living with his parents tells you.

So no matter what any frightening basement dweller may tell you as he and his virgin friends claim that any rig under several thousand pounds is worthless, just know that that translates too, 'here in the PC cunt ring, we gauge human worth by how high their graphics are and although your cheap laptop plays games completely fine, we're gonna hate you because it isn't on ultra.' You can largely play games on any laptop these days, considering how cheap such great hardware is now, it isn't like ten years ago where 1 gig of ram on a laptop seemed impossible, cheap laptops are awesome these days.

I wasted so much money on console gaming, after I had it drilled into me that no way would my laptop run games, being that it was a laptop and only worth £500. Well try telling that to Sleeping Dogs and Fallout: New Vegas that I completed on this, on medium and low for sure, but I still played the games just fine. Don't believe me? Head on over to my Steam achievements, how about you smoke that PC Gaming Orcs, you pretentious, greedy cunts.

And sure, maybe my laptop being not made for gaming will mean it will burn out quicker by gaming on it but personally that doesn't bother me. Being in the cheap laptop scene my whole life because I've never had the money to afford expensive computing stuff, I think this laptop has been the longest lasting laptop I have ever owned at about two years and at least I know for next time that a £500 laptop will sort me both for my social networking and gaming needs, rather than a console and those overpriced games on top.

So unless your laptop is made out of stone and powered with a combustion engine, it's probably worth giving the thing a run for its money. Steam offers a whole heap of free to play games, I tested the water with TF2 first. Turn the settings down a little, prepare for the laptop to get pretty hot and see how it goes. It's more than likely that laptop you cherish, that you were bullied into thinking was somehow worthless because it was both mobile and cost less than a car, probably games just as well as theirs does, just on lower graphical settings.

Until next time on Confessions of a Laptop Gamer.


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