Sunday 6 January 2013

Confessions of a Laptop Gamer: Part Two - 'The Community'.

Where are those 2012 catchup reviews you may ask? Somewhere. Look I have the films but I also have Netflix now so I've been putting the films off to watch more uncensored Todd and The Book of Pure evil but expect the next 2012 review in a few days.

Okay look I've expressed no small distaste for the gaming community already, hell half my cost post was my insulting the Master Race but I will at least admit it may have been exaggerated slightly for comedy value. I mean don't get me wrong, that doesn't make any of what I said any less real or true but I also think it's unfair and naive to claim there isn't good in every group, well except when it comes to Priests.

You see it's funny, most devs assume that people have consoles, not PCs in a world where all consoles really want to be is shitty PCs with a novelty. What this means is most games are made for consoles in mind which in turn means the PC version is either a direct console port (which causes a heap of problems) or that they simply left in lots of design features that would be just be much easier to use on a pad, rather than a keyboard and mouse], amongst other things however, despite all this, the console versions are usually the least supported versions of the games. Even ignoring the whole PC community out there who mod PC games, release unofficial fixes and patches for PC games or just poke around in the code to find bits of game content hidden in the files and not used, the devs generally provide a lot more support for PC versions. Often console games are just flatout abandoned and even when they aren't, it isn't likely they'll get the full range of fixes, patches and new content the PC players would have had months beforehand and even if they do get it, it'll probably cost them a heap more. And this isn't just the case for small, no name indie games, this happens just as much for triple A titles too.

In terms of the actual community, my friend Gavin was keen to point out the XBL landscape rife with dirty mouthed children as somehow a justification for all the cunts on the PC gaming network. In my mind however, it doesn't. You can mute a 12 year old shouting noob down his mic, but no matter who you silence on the PC, you can't silence snobbery, which spreads through everything like a black mould. So really, maybe the PC gamers are more mature but I really don't think getting looked at from down peoples noses (or at least the gaming equivalent) is really better than the sad 12 year old, because at least I could mute him.

So yeah, my opinion hasn't changed but I wanted to at least balance it out a little, provide some of the positive of the world of being a Laptop Gamer, so until next time!


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