Friday 8 February 2013

Beauty and The Beast: S01E12 - Cold Turkey.

Last weeks episode was quite easily the low point of the series so far and although this episode wasn't quite as bad, it was still pretty awful.
So the story of the episode is Vincent is a douche, Alex is a plot device...the end. Seriously, so little of anything even happened in this episode. 90% of this was just different characters all talking about Vincent and how much of a dick he is, and although they pad about five minutes with an action scene later on, that seemed to only be there so Alex could see Vincent transform and leave the show. Probably the only worthwhile bit of the episode was when we got some backstory for Evan.

Hey look Muirfield actually did something this week! Putting bugs everywhere, sending out tiny groups of soldiers they must know can't possibly take down Vincent.... these guys are seriously some of the worst villains in any show ever. They're so bad, it almost feels like a continuity error.

At least they provided us with some action. I mean it wasn't the best action sequence the show has ever had, but I'm not complaining. After thirty minutes of solid dialogue that reminds me entirely of just how much I hate most of the characters in this show, everyone shooting at one another helped calm me back down. Plus, it was nice to feel Vincent's power again, when he was hiding from that guy with the gun in the shadows, it didn't match up to all the carnage we've seen him do in the past.

One of the biggest problems with Cold Turkey is more to do with the problems of the whole season. Largely that all of the characters are so very unlikeable within their context. If this was set in a college, I could deal with all the whining and the tantrums but these are supposed to be grown adults and there just seems to be no sense of maturity anywhere. The female characters are one-note, they try and present Cat as strong and independent, but then have her running to Vincent's side every 10 seconds even if it means risking her career for someone who has clearly shown not to give a fuck, which completely undermines every scene where she stands up to his bullshit. That isn't romantic, it's pathetic, especially given what a total douchebag Vincent is.

It's annoying too, because I think the show is trying to make us care about Vincent again with his whole Evil Dead cabin, new lingerie and strawberry milkshakes and how he learns the hard way that all it ever will be is a fantasy. But since he's been an utter cunt for weeks now, I didn't care. Especially because by all logic, he should have fucking known this couldn't have possibly worked and was just putting everyone around him in unnecessary danger, what an utter asshat. Also, after Alex sees his transformation and all the rest...he just lets her go! This secret he's been trying so hard to protect, he is just letting her run around with that, she could use it against him, she could be captured by Muirfield and give away all of his secrets. Didn't any of those thoughts cross his mind? Or does he just not care? What a fucking idiot. Even JT is like, 'what the fuck dude?', without being constantly babysat by Cat and JT, Vincent would have been captured years ago.

Surprisingly about the only positive thing I have to say is that wow Kristin Kreuk is really showing some acting welly. As I've said a few times now, I didn't believe her as a police detective for a second, but seeing Cat and all she is dealing with emotionally this week, I really felt Kreuk nailed every nuance of her inconsistently written character.

I never once felt this show was anything fantastic, it was often extremely frustrating but it also managed to be entertaining and charming. Seeing Red happened and showed the world that Beauty and The Beast could be a great show, but it seemed that episode reached BatB's ceiling, because it's been going downhill ever since.


  • Yay, violence!
  • At least they gave us more about Evan, about the only character I like on this show.
  • Muirfield actually did something!
  • Monster Vincent felt less of a pussy, this week.
  • At least Cat got some strong character moments, I guess?
  • Kreuk is showing some real acting talent, especially when you compare her to how awful she was in earlier episodes.
  • Vincent.
  • Muirfield are still not living up to the hype.
  • I hate all the immature, childish characters and their constant moaning. 
  • The way the show undermines Cat at every possible moment.

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'Cold Turkey'?


Julianna said...

Your BatB reviews crack me up! Not to mention are spot on. :-)

My biggest problem with this episode (and this whole Alex plot arc) was that Vincent never actually made a choice. The only way we could have bought Cat and Vincent as a couple at this point would have been for Vincent to tell Alex he doesn't want to be with her because he has feelings for someone else. But he didn't. He went back to Cat when he had no other options--which is a dick move. He can deny it all he wants, Cat was his back up. Telling her it was never about Alex after the fact doesn't count. At least she called him on it which was good. But come one, we all know that's only going to last one episode at the most. Ugh...

Though I have to say the funniest part of the episode--albeit unintentionally--was just before Alex showed up at Cats apartment and Cat was watching a cop show on TV... AND CRITICIZING IT! I about spit my drink.

Think About It! said...

I'm glad the humour landed!

Everyone complains about Edward as a character but he has got nothing on Vincent, even when the Alex arc is over he tops it all off with a massive dick move, what an asshole.

I completely forgot to talk about that scene, lol!

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