Sunday 10 February 2013

Power Rangers Megaforce: S20E02 - He Blasted Me With Science.

The opening episode of Megaforce, despite a surprisingly negative reaction from most, was more mediocre than bad in my opinion. Then again with how utterly terrible I found Samurai and Jungle Fury, it's probably gonna be impossible for a Power Rangers series ever to be that awful again. So here's to mediocrity, tolerating is the best it's been for like three years!

Those who complained about the lack of story in Megaforce will be further disappointed by this weeks episode, which is largely one long action scene. Not that I cared, the little character development we got was utterly charming and zords, yay!

It's quite disconcerting when the worst actors in your show are the adults. My God that science teacher is trying so hard to be kooky, it is actually painful. Then again, it isn't all good for the teens either. Their dramatic battle cries come off oddly flat, especially from Troy and he is our Red Ranger and none of them are making the painfully corny dialogue sound convincing or cool. It kind of worked in context last week, but this week the actors don't seem convinced by their lines and that is a problem.

I'm no shipper but I am really enjoying Gia and Jake's relationship, they are going to end up together, this is Power Rangers after all but Gia is the sassy, independent one and Jake is the goofy idiot, when often producers will dictate it the other way round, due to gender stereotyping. Gia actually feels like a role model and not just shoehorned in like so many other female Rangers. I think she could easily become my favourite member of the team. Although I wonder if anyone else in the audience snickered like I did when their zords combined and the way that they did.

One big problem with Megaforce is how noticeably compressed the Sentai footage is. This adaptation is going to be less than half as long as the Sentai original, so you can clearly tell huge chunks have been taken out of the fights, making them feel very choppy and rushed. This is probably why the American scenes are so short also and why the show has so far skimped on story all together. I don't really mind this kind of speedy pacing, especially with a show this fun but I can understand why people are annoyed by this, and it doesn't help any of us Power Rangers fans who are trying to argue that this is a series with great, under appreciated and overlooked stories to tell.

Overall, right now I accept the most of the criticisms of this show, because so far they are ringing true. That being said, I had a lot of fun with this episode and since the American scenes are normally the weakest part, I actually really didn't mind that the majority of this episode was just an action sequence, even if the action footage hasn't been edited the best. So no Megaforce doesn't really look to be getting any better, but it sure is a lot of fun as it is.

  • Good character development. 
  • Gia.
  • Fast paced. 
  • Lots of fun. 
  • Two weeks and still no real story.
  • Some pretty awful acting.
  • Choppy editing.

Think About It!


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