Monday 25 March 2013

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: S37E06 - Stop! Sing Candelira.

Last week was an all time first, I finished a review with no cons! So guess what, they follow it up with an absolutely terrible episode...yay. Enjoy!

Obviously all my reviews are personal opinion but I really do not like it when shows or films do what this episode does. If you thought it was funny how Loki got defeated in the Avengers, good for you, but I personally found that scene insulting and it soured the rest of my experience of that film. So ultimately my reaction to this is probably going to be way more negative than most so I do apologise in advanced, now here comes the butthurt.

The mysterious monster from the end of last weeks episode is Debo Virsun who has the power to control diseases. During the Dark Ages Ramires and Ankydon smashed him to bits however one of those bits got inside Ankydon's beast battery, which is where Virsun has been for the last five hundred years, regenerating. Makes him sound really badass, huh? All this build up he's bound to become a big bad, right? Or at least kick some serious ass, hmm? Nope! He sends a couple of people to sleep, gives Ramires the chance to do the only interesting thing in the episode, then gets killed by a gag. Fuck off.

It's annoying too because this gag crap seems to be deliberately insulting the audience this week. Three of the Generals get involved directly, so the Kyoryuger have to split up from one another to slow the Generals down so Amy can stop Candelira's singing which powers the monsters. Oh man, that sounds epic, right? Yeah it does, it wasn't though. Honestly I don't even know why they bothered to set this up, there isn't even one scene of them fighting the Generals, literally the next time we see them, they're regrouped and defeat the Generals in one move because they are fucking idiots. Way to fucking waste my time.

One positive I do have for the episode is Ramires, he may not be able to act worth a damn but his Spirit Ranger powers were fucking sweet. I love how his powers actually slim down his massive gut! Then again they even ruin this, he transforms, does one (really fucking cool) thing, then hands over his Zord and just leaves. Bullcrap!

If you like really great set up and the promise of epic battles pissed away by gag scenes then you'll love this episode, everyone else however this is by far the worst episode of the show so far. I'd happily take more mediocre episodes like the one about Souji than more of this shit.

  • Well Virsun could have been cool if they had used him differently, guess I'm just going to have to hold out for the Power Rangers adaptation. 
  • Kyoryu Cyan!
  • The pathetic send off Virsun got after everything, fuck you guys. 
  • This whole episode is basically a massive cocktease.
  • Ramires don't go, your powers were the only interesting thing in this episode!

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'Stop! Sing Candelira'?

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