Friday 26 April 2013

Beauty and The Beast: S01E19 - Playing with Fire.

Should we see if this show is even worth watching, now the best character in it is dead?
This week we see Cat partnering up with Lowen, who has lifted Evan's journals for help in finding Muirfield. Together they discover Muirfield's 'brain' which is left as a burning waste before the episode's end.

I hated that they killed Evan off but more annoying is just how little impact his death seems to have had on the world of Beauty and The Beast. Most of the scenes where they even mentioned him felt so tacked on, others involved storylines that have no importance at all any more and sure his journals drive the narrative of the episode but he didn't need to die for that. I don't follow behind the scenes stuff, I could care less about the actors personal lives unless they are like felons or something but his death feels less like an important aspect of the story and more what happens when an actor decides he has had enough and leaves.

Using Lowen and his backstory of a child who was basically a supply closet for Muirfield the episode tries to widen and deepen the Muirfield mythos but honestly I think it's too late. Aside from the basic shocks of a huge scar down a woman's back and the fact they were happy to experiment on orphans, Muirfield have proven themselves to be so useless, to be such weak and rubbish villains that I really don't care about them or their mysteries, all I am waiting for now is for them to be defeated so we can actually move onto a good set of villains. It's funny that they've managed to keep Muirfield shrouded in so much mystery for this long, while still managing to make them seem like complete failures every episode.

I mean even in the episode, all of Muirfield's data is protected by a single security guard and a single password. Not even like a good password, just 'chimera', even Facebook asks for you to make it harder to guess than that. Sure they allegedly had security systems within the computer beyond the password but we never saw those and the additional strike team was utterly useless. Seriously, you guys suck.

Really now the show is asking the audience if we trust Lowen or not. And honestly, I don't know. Nothing about his actions in previous episodes or really his actions here suggest we should trust him at all but a flashback shows that Cat's mother thought him worth saving but then even then, a lot can change as we grow up. Time will tell.

What certainly was in the shows favour with the action scene, it wasn't a good action scene by any stretch of the imagination but it at least to some extent recaptured Cat's former combat ability and Vincent's insane power when he monsters out. I had missed those times.

Overall though I think I'm realising more and more that I don't really care about this show anymore. I mean hats off to a show that started as basically Twilight the TV show trying to give itself a greater scope with a mysterious organisation and an ensemble cast to explore but what does any of that matter if you can't make what you are exploring interesting?

  • At least the show is trying.
  • The action scene was pretty cool for what it was.
  • They somehow manage to make Evan's death even shittier.
  • I don't care about Muirfield, you have given me no reason to.

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'Playing with Fire'?

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